1948 - 2012

In 1948 the Olympic Games were held in London.

To produce an athletics venue, cinder was spread onto the greyhound track at Wembley.

Athletes were housed in military barracks, school dormitories and private houses.

A game of déjà vu? | Money Observer


In 1948 Truman did not lose to Dewey.

In 1948, Britain needed help from the USA in the form of 'Marshall Aid'.

The 2012 Olympics in London will be sponsored by Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Visa and Procter & Gamble.

In 1948 the Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon was in Atlanta, Georgia.

Britain, in 1948, had rationing.

People had to queue for hours for bread or a small quantity of meat.

"People were poorly dressed, trains were dirty and overcrowded, houses run-down and dilapidated."

A game of déjà vu? | Money Observer

In 1948, 804,767 Palestinian men, women, and children were forced to flee their homes.

In 1952, UK debt was 140% of GDP.

By 1957, Britain was recovering and prime minister Harold Macmillan claimed that ‘most of our people have never had it so good’.

People were buying amazing things called washing machines, refrigerators and television sets.

In 1972, members of the Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage by the Palestinian group Black September.

1972 olympics

The 2012 Olympics will cost £11 billion.

In 2012, YouTube will provide live coverage of the Olympic games to 64 countries in Asia and Africa.

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