On 4 June 2012, it was reported that the CIA 'revives attacks on rescuers and funeral goers' in Pakistan
Reportedly, CIA drones are hitting villages and then targeting rescuers and funeral-goers.
On 3 June 2012, a CIA drone strike targeted people gathered for funeral prayers of victims killed in an earlier attack.
On 4 June 2012, US drones attacked rescuers in Waziristan in western Pakistan minutes after an initial strike, killing 16 people in total according to the BBC.
A mosque was also struck last week killing at least three civilian worshippers.
Murdered in US drone attacks.
Data shows that since 23 May 2012, the US has launched eight CIA drone strikes in Pakistan, which have killed at least 48 people. Civilians have been reported killed in a number of those strikes.
Victim of USA
The deliberate targeting of rescuers and mourners by CIA drones was first exposed by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in February 2012, in a major joint investigation with the Sunday Times.
On more than a dozen occasions between 2009 and June 2011, the CIA attacked rescuers as they tried to retrieve the dead and injured.
The investigation also reported that on at least three occasions the CIA had struck funeral-goers.
In the Yemeni city of Jaar on May 15, a possible return US drone strike killed between 8 and 26 civilians, according to a USA Today report.
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