Egyptians, realising that their country has been undermined by the CIA-Mossad Arab Spring, appear to have boycotted the presidential elections of June 2012.

"Official turnout figures were not released yesterday, but electoral observers say it could be as low as 15 per cent.

"From an electorate of 50 million, that would mean Egypt's next President had been chosen from a total of about seven million votes.

"'We think the turnout definitely did not exceed 15 per cent,' said Sherine el-Touny, of the Egyptian monitoring body Shayfeencom...

"Another organisation monitoring the poll, a committee from Egypt's Lawyers' Syndicate legal union, also said it believed the overall turnout was about 15 per cent."

Egyptians stage mass boycott of presidential poll

Happy children from Cario
Cairo. By 0000007

 "Arab Spring benefited only Israel", 
Voltaire Network

7 June 2012, 

In an exclusive interview with RT, Lebanese Interior Minister Marwan Charbel said that the Arab Spring has borne no fruit for any of the affected countries, so the ongoing process should rather be called the ’Israeli Spring’, since no country now poses a threat to Israel. Furthermore, external forces seek to divide and weaken all the countries surrounding Israel in order to ensure her security.

Egypt: Egyptian Girls

Meanwhile, if the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, Mr Mursi, wins the presidency of Egypt, Israel may be tempted to try to steal the Sinai from Egypt.

On 18 June 1012, there was a 'terrorist' incident in Egypt's Sinai.

Israeli military spokesman Yoav Mordechai said: 'A terrorist squad opened fire and possibly also fired an anti-tank rocket at an area where (Israel) is constructing the border fence.'

An Israeli military source said one of the workmen, an Arab, was killed.

'We can see a disturbing deterioration in Egypt's control of the Sinai's security,' Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak said.

Israeli invasion of Egypt 1956

MONDAY, JUNE 18, 2012 from pennyforyourthoughts/

Israel to attack Egypt

The IDF is moving tanks closer to the Egyptian border
The IDF has deployed Armored forces near the Israel -Egypt border, moving tanks closer to the fence, Ynet has learned. The unusual move followed Monday's attack on defense contractor crews building the new security fence.  

 Ynet was able to document the presence of Israeli tanks in close proximity to the border – maneuvers which are barred by Jerusalem's peace treaty with Cairo. 
That's right! The movement of tanks to the border is barred by the peace treaty with Cairo!

We are supposed to believe the tank movement was a response to the so called attack. Not likely.
Early in May, there was news that caused me to be a little suspicious that something was afoot with Egypt and Syria. Notice that date of this article? Large and in red. Israel prepares for Mideast war- May 04/2012 
Today, Israel prepares for Mideast conflict; recently, six army battalions were called up to meet threats from Egyptian and Syrian borders The Times of Israel reported that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) gave emergency call up orders to six reserve battalions due to ongoing hostilities developing on the Egyptian and Syrian borders.
The Knesset gave the IDF permission to summon 16 additional reserve battalions when required, according to Israeli press on Wednesday, 2 May 2012. These actions demonstrate the severity of the tensions growing among Israel, Syria, and Egypt.Israel needs its army in place when it attacks Iran because Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas will immediately strike  Israel; therefore, the IDF must be ready


"Alarm bells are ringing inside and outside Egypt as the country faces an economic crisis nearly one year after the revolution. 

"Growth has stalled, foreign direct investment has dried up, tourists have stayed away, the country’s safety net of foreign exchange reserves has nearly bottomed out, and only a fraction of promised aid has materialized."  

Egypt's economic crisis

Israeli Embassy in Egypt - false flag attack by very well dressed guys?



Website for this image -British soldiers sit on a captured gun outside of Port Said, Egypt in 1956.

Things are stirring in the part of Egypt called the Sinai, next to the Suez canal.

There has been news of a deadly soccer riot, the kidnapping of Americans, the shooting of a French tourist, the kidnapping of Chinese workers and attacks on gas pipelines.

(French tourist killed in shooting in Sharm el-Sheikh Egypt/Abducted female tourists in Egypt / group of 25 Chinese workers was kidnapped /Blast hits Egypt's gas pipeline to Israel )

The flow of arms into the Sinai from Libya "is turning into a flood."

"Terrorist organizations are taking over Sinai and Egyptian authorities appear helpless." (Egypt and the US friendship?)

By alexandria42

Back in 1956, French prime minister Guy Mollet, UK prime minister Anthony Eden and Israeli leader David Ben-Gurion met in secret and agreed to make a joint attack on Egypt.

(Israel would like the Sinai to be part of a Greater Israel)

On 29th October 1956, the Israeli Army invaded Egypt.

Two days later the British and French bombed Egyptian airfields. British and French troops landed at Port Said at the northern end of the Suez Canal on 5th November.

"By this time the Israelis had captured the Sinai peninsula." (Suez Crisis)

1956 invasion

On 3 February 2012, we learn of the Americans kidnapped in the Sinai. (Washington Post (blog))
Bedouin gunmen attacked and robbed a tourist minivan in St Catherine, in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.

The minivan contained Americans and other nationalities.

Two American women were driven off into the mountains and held captive for around six hours.

A few days earlier, 25 Chinese factory workers were kidnapped from a bus in Sinai.

Around the same time, a soccer riot in the Sinai left about 70 people dead.


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