Pro-Mubarak supporter
Photo by Joel Carillet. Under Mubarak, less than 2% of Egyptians lived below the poverty line. (41.6% in India.) (Egypt Inc. -- a look at the numbers)

Robert H Reid, of the Associated Press has written about Egypt's Mubarak: war hero... to convict

Reid refers to Mubarak as: "War hero. Savior of the nation. An anchor of stability in a turbulent region."

According to Reid:

"A former pilot and air force commander ...Mubarak took tentative steps toward democratic reform early in his presidency..."

Near the Ramses Hilton
Joel Carillet. The CIA and Mossad did not like Mubarak; the CIA and Mossad prefer the rulers of Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

"Mubarak disapproved of the 2003 U.S. invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein of Iraq..."

"Mubarak's own view of himself  (was) as someone who is tough but fair, who ensures the basic needs of his people," (according to a leaked US embassy cable)...

"Mubarak kept Egypt free of the grip of Islamic extremism...

"He engineered Egypt's return to the Arab fold after nearly a decade in the cold over its 1979 peace treaty with Israel (the work of Sadat).

"Early on, Mubarak crushed an insurgency by Muslim extremists, whose ranks had produced Sadat's assassins and some future al-Qaida leaders...

(These extremists reportedly work for the CIA - Aangirfan))

According to Egypt's top man, Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, Mubarak did not order the army to fire on demonstrators. Egypt's ruler denies army told to shoot protesters. aangirfan: THE REAL TERRORISTS IN EGYPT, TUNISIA, LIBYA ...

"Mubarak earned nationwide acclaim as commander of the air force during the 1973 Middle East war - a conflict which many Egyptians see as a victory...

"Mubarak made popular moves that held up promise of a more open society, including freeing 1,500 politicians, journalists and clerics jailed during Sadat's last months in office...

"Egypt's influence in the Middle East ... waned as the militant group Hamas ... gained momentum and followers...

(Reportedly, Hamas was set up with help from Israel - Aangirfan)

"The oil-rich countries of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates seized the mantle of leadership regional leadership. The growing profile of Turkey, a democracy led by an Islam-inspired government, also chipped away at Egypt's heavyweight stature in the region...

(Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Turkey are believed to be puppets of the CIA)

Near the Ramses Hilton
Joel CarilletIn August 2010, Egyptian security forces seized a ship loaded with explosives coming from Israel and arrested its owner in Port Said. (Egypt seizes explosives on ship coming from Israel - People's.)

Mubarak has many supporters.

The turnout in the first round of voting in the presidential election in Egypt was only 41%.

(Financial Times, 26 May 2012)

In other words, the majority of Egyptians have given a thumbs down to the Arab Spring in Egypt.

Mubarak supporters on the Nile Corniche
Joel Carillet

Only 13% of Egyptians support NATO's toppling of Gaddafi. 

"Residents in several North African countries, including Morocco (12%), Egypt (13%), and Algeria (14%) were the least likely to say they were in favor of NATO intervention." 

NATO Intervention in Libya Unpopular in Arab World‎

Near the Ramses Hilton
Joel Carillet

It looks like the CIA planned some time ago to topple Mubarak and replace him with people who would better promote the US business and military agenda.

So, the world had to be tricked into believing that Mubarak was not good for the Egyptian economy and that all the Egyptians wanted him out.

CIA assets within the Egytian government could be used to promote torture and violence in order to discredit the regime.

Apparently this is Asmaa Mahfouz, face of the 'CIA coup'.(Website for this image)

Asmaa Mahfouz, trying to look poor.

A visit to Washington.

On 11 February 2011, an article at the Kansas City Star, by top economist Keith Marsden (Egypt Inc. -- a look at the numbers), told us the following:

1. The protestors claimed that '40% of Egyptians' live below the poverty line.

The truth is that less than 2% of Egyptians live below the poverty line.

Compare that with 41.6% in India.

(The 'poverty line' is that which is recognised internationally)

2. The share in wealth of the poorest section of society has been increasing in Egypt.

Total household consumption expenditure per capita (in constant prices) rose by 2.2% annually in Egypt from 2000-08.

Local boating
Egypt by andrew_mc_d

3. Higher incomes, improved nutrition and better health services have helped to raise the average life expectancy at birth in Egypt to 70 years in 2008.

4. The under-five child mortality rate (per 1000) dropped to 25 in Egypt in 2008, from 53 in 1990.

Compare that with 89 in Pakistan, 69 in India, and 67 in South Africa.

5. The maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) was estimated to be 130 in Egypt in 2005, compared with 1,000 in Nigeria.

Egypt spent 6.3% of its GDP on health services in 2007 (Pakistan 2.7%).

Three Brothers
Egyptians by Amr O

6. The net enrollment rate for primary education rose to 94% in Egypt in 2008 (Pakistan 66%).

7. The World Bank reports an enrollment rate at the tertiary level (university and college) in Egypt of 35% in 2007 (South Africa 15%, India 12%, Pakistan 5%).

8. The most recent World Bank data show an economy-wide unemployment rate of 8.7% of the Egyptian labor force. (South Africa 22.9%).

Egyptian by matteo.maretto

9. Mubarak's Egypt boosted investment. Egypt’s 'gross capital formation' soared by 7.4% annually from 2000-2008 (Israel 2.3%).

An improved business environment, including a low corporate tax rate of 20% stimulated foreign direct (private) investment. 

Egypt’s Inflows rose to 9.5 billion dollars in 2008 from 0.6 billion dollars in 1995.

Egypt’s stock market capitalization was valued at 91 billion dollars in 2009, a more than threefold increase from the year 2000.

10. Egypt’s merchandise exports increased more than seven fold from 1990 to 2007.

Inbound tourists spent 12.1 billion dollars in Egypt in 2008. The benefits were widely spread among the Egyptian people in the form of more jobs and higher incomes.

Egypt by [JO]² - Immortal Lens -( Youssef Hanna )

11. Egypt gets relatively little in foreign aid.

The net inflow of foreign official development assistance (ODA) to Egypt has fallen from 1.3% of Egypt’s Gross National Income in the year 2000 to 0.8% in 2008.

Egypt has been getting nothing from bodies such as the IMF and World bank.

(The total net official financial flows to Egypt from bilateral sources, the international financial institutions (such as the IMF and World Bank) and the United Nations have turned negative.

Repayments of principal exceed disbursements. Egypt’s net outflows to bilateral sources reached 960 million dollars in 2008, topping its 118 million net inflows from multilateral sources.)

12. Egypt’s total military expenditure amounted to 2.3% of GDP in 2008 ( Israel 8.0%), down from 3.2% in 2000.

Keith Marsden has worked as an economist for the UN, the World Bank and the private sector in over 60 countries, including two years in Egypt.

Reportedly, the CIA and Mossad were planning a coup in Egypt at least as early as 2008.

Gene Sharp

The Father of the Egytian Revolution is a friend of the CIA called Gene Sharp.

According to Thierry Meyssan (The Albert Einstein Institution: the CIA.):

Gene Sharp "helped NATO and then the CIA train the leaders of the soft coups of the last 15 years".

Sharp's Albert Einstein Institution plans coups.

Sharp has links to the 'stay-behind groups' associated with Operation Gladio.

Sharp trained dissident groups within the PLO.

Sharp helped break up Yugoslavia. (The Albert Einstein Institution.)

In The Scotsman, on 18 February 2011, Sheryl Gay Stolberg (a good Scottish name) wrote about "Gene Sharp, the American whose ideas defeat dictators".

From this we learn:

1. Gene Sharp, aged 83, has written "From Dictatorship to Democracy", a guide to toppling autocrats.

This guide is said to have inspired dissidents in Bosnia, Tunisia and Egypt.

2. The International Centre on Non-violent Conflict, which trains activists, slipped into Cairo several years ago to conduct a workshop.It uses Sharp's list of tactics that range from hunger strikes to "protest disrobing" to "disclosing identities of secret agents".

3. Dalia Ziada, an Egyptian blogger and activist attended the workshop and later organised similar sessions on her own.

She said trainees were active in both the Tunisia and Egypt revolts.

4. Peter Ackerman, a former student of Mr Sharp founded the non-violence centre and ran the Cairo workshop.

Lawrence of arabia, the British spy who organised the Arab revolts during World war I

5The Muslim Brotherhood had Sharp's From Dictatorship to Democracy posted on its website.

6. In 2007, Chávez of Venezuela denounced Gene Sharp.

Officials in Burma, according to Wikileaks, accused Sharp of being part of a conspiracy to set off demonstrations intended "to bring down the government".

7. In 1989, Sharp flew to China to witness the uprising inTiananmen Square.

In the early 1990s, he was in a rebel camp in Burma at the invitation of Robert Helvey, a retired US Army colonel who advised the opposition there.

8. Sharp has been seen as a sort of Lawrence of Arabia, stirring up Arab revolts.

This displeases As'ad AbuKhalil, the Lebanese political scientist and founder of the Angry Arab News Service blog.

Mubarak in China.

Israel and Mossad wanted Mubarak to be toppled.

Under Mubarak, Egypt was too strong for Israel to attack.

Israel would like Egypt to be like Lebanon?

In 1948 Israel was at war with Egypt

In 1956: Israel tried to seize the Suez Canal and topple Nasser's regime in Egypt. Israel hoped it might also at the same time grab the West Bank, parts of the Sinai, and parts of Lebanon. (The myth of Israel's strategic genius. )

In 1967: Israel seized the Sinai in Egypt, as well as the West Bank, Golan Heights and Gaza Strip. (The myth of Israel's strategic genius.)

In 1973 Israel was at war with Egypt.

In 1981 President Mubarak came to power and he "has effectively boycotted Israel.

"Egypt's state-controlled newspapers continued to demonize Israel.

"All ties on the bilateral level between Egypt and Israel have been frozen including tourism, commerce, and industry." (Egypt and Israel: A Reversible Peace :: Middle East Quarterly)

Under Mubarak, Egypt became stronger economically and militarily; too strong for Israel to attack.


In 1991, the CIA's Muslim Brotherhood began pressing more strongly for a strict Islamic state.

In 1999, Mubarak visited China.

He signed a joint communique with Chinese President Jiang Zeming on establishing a strategic and cooperative relationship between Egypt and China.

In 2002Mubarak denounced Israel 

Mubarak made a televised speech bitterly condemning Israel and accusing it of using state terrorism to crush the Palestinians.

Mubarak said that following their barbaric and systematic aggression, the Israelis were in the process of destroying evidence of the horrendous crimes perpetrated under the pretext of fighting terrorism.

In 2003: Mubarak opposed the Iraq invasion.

In 2003: Israel protested Egypt's use of unmanned aerial vehicles, drones, to spy on Israeli military facilities.

Israel reportedly threatened to shoot down the drones whoseflights violate the peace treaty and prompted increased concern over Egypt's military buildup (Jerusalem Post, December 21, 2003) (Myth and Fact: Egypt's Peace Treaty with Israel)

Egypt has purchased Scud missiles from North Korea and is believed to possess chemical weapons (Center for Strategic and International Studies, United Nations (UN) Institute for Disarmament Research). (Myth and Fact: Egypt's Peace Treaty with Israel)

Israel wants the Sinai?

In April 2010, it was reported that a weekly magazine aiming to link Arab bloggers with politicians and the elderly was launched in Egypt at the initiative of a group backed by US billionaire George Soros. (Soros backs Egypt weekly to give Arab bloggers exposure.)

In April 2010, it was reported by the Jerusalem Post that "Egypt has taken an aggressive stance against Israel, with Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit calling Israel an 'enemy' state." -(Egypt warns of Israel-Lebanon escalation)

In June 2010, Egypt re-opened the Rafah border with Gaza(Rafah crossing to remain open indefinitely - News)

In August 2010, Egyptian security forces seized a ship loaded with explosives coming from Israel and arrested its owner in Port Said. (Egypt seizes explosives on ship coming from Israel - People's.)

In November 2010: Israel tells its citizens to leave Egypt. (Israel tells its citizens to leave Egypt.)

On 20 December 2010 (ISRAEL DESTABILISING EGYPT) we learnt that Egypt arrested members of an Israeli spy ring within its borders.

On 1 January 2011, we read that a group calling itself Al-Qaeda (the CIA-Mossad) may be responsible for the seven dead and 24 injured in an attack on a church in Egypt

In January 2011, we read that Egypt's Irrigation Minister has dismissed the possibility that Egypt would supply Israel with water from the Nile. (Egypt and Israel, a souring relationship?)

In January 2011Mubarak warned Israel against a new Gaza war Israel News.Net
You are unlike to find any of the above at '', which at one time supported Obama, and which has supported the CIA's people power in Egypt.

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