The aim of Operation Cyanide was to topple Egypt's President. US intelligence and military specialists were sent to Israel to plan the operation. Website
The USA has long wanted to help its friend Israel to weaken Egypt and the rest of the Arab world.
In 2010, George Soros was backing various anti-Mubarak groups in Egypt.
In 2010, the Jerusalem Post reported that "Egypt has taken an aggressive stance against Israel, with Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit calling Israel an 'enemy' state." -(Egypt warns of Israel-Lebanon escalation)
In 2010, Egyptian security forces seized a ship loaded with explosives coming from Israel. (Egypt seizes explosives on ship coming from Israel - People's.)
In 2010, Israel told its citizens to leave Egypt. (Israel tells its citizens to leave Egypt.)

Cairo by gamal_inphotos. There has been a giant psyop to persuade gullible bloggers that the long-planned Arab Spring is not the work of Mossad, the CIA and NATO.
In 2010 (ISRAEL DESTABILISING EGYPT) Egypt arrested an Israeli spy ring.
Cairo by gamal_inphotos. There has been a giant psyop to persuade gullible bloggers that the long-planned Arab Spring is not the work of Mossad, the CIA and NATO.
In 2010 (ISRAEL DESTABILISING EGYPT) Egypt arrested an Israeli spy ring.
On 1 January 2011, the CIA-Mossad was reported to be responsible for the seven dead and 24 injured in an attack on a church in Egypt
In January 2011, Egypt's Irrigation Minister dismissed the possibility that Egypt would supply Israel with water from the Nile. (Egypt and Israel, a souring relationship?)
In January 2011: Mubarak warned Israel against a new Gaza war.)
In January 2011, Egypt's Irrigation Minister dismissed the possibility that Egypt would supply Israel with water from the Nile. (Egypt and Israel, a souring relationship?)
In January 2011: Mubarak warned Israel against a new Gaza war.)
Cairo by Hossam el-Hamalawy. The killings in Egypt and Tunisia, during the Arab Spring, were primarily the work of assets of the CIA.
On 7 June, the Financial Times quotes an Egyptian shopkeeper who says that he plans to vote for Mubarak's former prime minister, Ahmed Shafiq, in the next round of voting.
According to the Financial Times, Shafiq has promised a return to "the prosperity of the ... years of Mr Mubarak's rule."
Another shop owner is quoted as saying: "Before the revolution I employed five people. Now one.
"Before, you’d see young couples walking past my store late at night with their baby. Now the streets are empty."
According to the Financial Times, "some Egyptians speak of crime sprees, bank robberies and purse-snatches, of almost daily violent clashes between youths and police, a falling stock market and the scurrying away of foreign tourists and expatriate business people."
Cairo by Think Twice1
Shafiq supporters "tend to work in the small-scale private sector, small shopkeepers and independent operators.
One Egyptian is quoted as saying that the revolution has been been a disaster.
He says his business is not even 3 per cent of what it was before the CIA's toppling of Mubarak.
According to the Financial Times, "even among the pious working poor... there is exasperation with the direction the revolution has taken the country.
Egypt by gamal_inphotos. The Pentagon wants Africa's oil; Israel wants a Greater Israel; so North Africa was destroyed.
Wafaa Hassaneen is a 47-year-old woman selling loaves of bread on the pavement.
Under Mubarak, she earned up to $10 a day.
"Now she is lucky if she makes $4."
Shafiq, the Mubarak ally, performed best in the Nile Delta provinces of Shariqiya, Gharbiya, Daqahloya and Minoufiyah, mostly poor agricultural communities.
Today, in June 2012, "the proliferation of corruption and the growth of smuggling ... are leading to increased prices...
"Roughly 15 daily sit-ins, 10 general strikes and eight blocked roads were reported by the Ministry of Defense during the month of May alone...
"These are indicators of a popular uprising against poverty, unemployment, high living costs and the government’s broken promises.
People Losing Confidence In Tunisia's New Government
False Flag Fake. aangirfan: THE ARAB SPRING CONSPIRACY
The CIA and its friends kicked out Tunisia's president, Ben Ali, because he had made Tunisia peaceful, prosperous and liberal.
The CIA coup had been many, many years in the planning.
The CIA coup had been many, many years in the planning.
The most ignorant of the American bloggers cheered on the destruction of Tunisia, a place they could probably not find on a map.

False Flag Fake. In 2010, we predicted a coup was coming in Tunisia, but were ignored by the big bloggers. CIA COUP IN TUNISIA, AIDED BY WIKILEAKS?
On 10 June 2012, the CIA's Ayman al-Zawahri called on the Tunisian people to rise up against Tunisia's Islamist ruling party for accepting a constitution not based on Islamic Shariah law.
"Rise up to support your Shariah and incite the people for a popular uprising instigating them to defend the Shariah and tell them what about what (plot) is being hatched against Islam," he said.
Al-Zawahri became leader of al-Qaida after Osama bin Laden.
CIA incites Tunisians against ruling party - News

CIA false flag in Tahrir Square.
Egyptian presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq has accused the Muslim Brotherhood of killing protesters during the 2011 uprising that overthrew Hosni Mubarak.
He has also accused the Muslim Brotherhood of working with foreign powers to break into prisons and let criminals escape.
Mubarak's ex-PM accuses Muslim Brotherhood of killing protesters ...
Tunisia under Ben Ali
Who are the real terrorists?
The photo below gives a clue.
In the summer of 2011, Gerbi returned to Libya to join the rebellion against Gadhafi.

"Tunisian police arrested four people carrying German passports over a shooting incident near the headquarters of an opposition party in the capital on Sunday, state television said, quoting a security source.

Now Tunisia is less safe, less prosperous and less liberal.
But, the CIA and its friends are still not content.
They want Tunisia entirely wrecked.
False Flag Fake. In 2010, we predicted a coup was coming in Tunisia, but were ignored by the big bloggers. CIA COUP IN TUNISIA, AIDED BY WIKILEAKS?
On 10 June 2012, the CIA's Ayman al-Zawahri called on the Tunisian people to rise up against Tunisia's Islamist ruling party for accepting a constitution not based on Islamic Shariah law.
"Rise up to support your Shariah and incite the people for a popular uprising instigating them to defend the Shariah and tell them what about what (plot) is being hatched against Islam," he said.
Al-Zawahri became leader of al-Qaida after Osama bin Laden.
CIA incites Tunisians against ruling party - News
CIA false flag in Tahrir Square.
Egyptian presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq has accused the Muslim Brotherhood of killing protesters during the 2011 uprising that overthrew Hosni Mubarak.
He has also accused the Muslim Brotherhood of working with foreign powers to break into prisons and let criminals escape.
Mubarak's ex-PM accuses Muslim Brotherhood of killing protesters ...
Tunisia under Ben Ali
Who are the real terrorists?
The photo below gives a clue.
David Gerbi is Jewish and originally from Libya.
In the summer of 2011, Gerbi returned to Libya to join the rebellion against Gadhafi.
He rode into the Tripoli with the al Qaeda and other fighters backed by NATO.
The CIA and Mossad use their assets in the Moslem world to cause havoc.
Who fired at the crowds in Egypt and in Tunisia?
According to Egypt's top man, Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, Mubarak did not order the army to fire on demonstrators.
Tantawi gave this testimony behind closed doors on 24 September 2011 in Mubarak's trial.

Left to right: Général de Division Rachid Ammar (Chief of the Army, Tunisia) shaking hands with General Raymond Henault (Chairman of the NATO Military Committee). Reportedly the CIA has many assets within the militaries of Tunisia and Egypt.
So, who has been killing demonstrators in the Arab world?
Who were the mysterious snipers on rooftops who shot civilians and helped stir up discontent?
On 16 January 2011, Tunisia TV said that four people had been arrested with German passports
"Tunisian police arrested four people carrying German passports over a shooting incident near the headquarters of an opposition party in the capital on Sunday, state television said, quoting a security source.

Israel, the USA and NATO want Arabs to be backward and easy to exploit.
"Two gunmen who fired shots outside the headquarters of Tunisia's PDP opposition party in the center of the capital on Sunday had Swedish passports, Tunisian police said...
"Earlier an opposition party statement said police and military stopped a carload of armed men, who it described as foreigners, after which shots were fired...
"The gunmen were driving two taxis with their weapons hidden inside camera bags, he said."

The new Tunisia
On 17 January 2011, it was reported that a party of Swedish 'tourists' was attacked after being caught up in the ongoing violence in Tunisia.
They were in the country 'on a hunting holiday' - with weapons in the back of their vehicle.
Israelis with stolen passports?
"A group of 20 Israelis was evacuated Saturday evening from Tunisia...
"This complicated mission was orchestrated by a number of Israeli authorities, including the foreign ministry.
"The tourists were first transferred ... to Germany and from there to Tel Aviv..."
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