Robert Gates with Egypt's military boss Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, no friend of Israel. The 'powers that be' are plotting to topple Tantawi.
Tantawi didn't respond to Netanyahu, Barak during crisis.
Young lassy
"A rich man is far poorer than a poor man" - Diogenes Teachings
Bush and Blair - War Crimes Exhibition, in Kuala Lumpur
Syria and Libya - a contrived "clash of civilizations," closely following the 1982 plan of Israeli strategist Oded Yinon. (
“My Dad Helped the CIA Kill JFK!”
China is a corrupt mess - China's health care system
Taj on a dull day.
Britain's FBI 'abandoned chasing crime Mr Bigs - Daily Mail
India - suede shoes
Saif al-Islam Gaddafi is sex-obsessed, he beat me and took drugs
Teddy Forstmann had met Diana when he sat next to her during a black-tie dinner thrown by the banker and grandee Lord (Jacob) Rothschild during Wimbledon fortnight in 1994. Billionaire who beguiled Diana... and could have saved her life
Dagan Gerrity: Family claim 5-year old son is haunted by the 'man with grey skin'...
South East England
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