General Kayani (third from the left)

In November 2011, Pakistan announced that NATO supply routes into Afghanistan were to be (temporarily) shut down.

Anonymous left the following comment on our post "THE PAKISTAN WAR":

1. General Kayani's brother is the biggest contractor for these NATO supplies.

So this shutting down is only a way for Kayani to ask for a bigger piece of the pie.

Any doubts about that should be removed after seeing this story:

Army has its eye on Nato supplies deal

(Of course this story does not tell the whole story and tries to give the impression that the Army -actually generals - were not benefitting from it so far which is complete b.s.)

Of course the army has issued a denial that is hilarious claiming the "army has no role whatsoever in Nato supplies...

The National Logistic Cell (NLC) is a government controlled 'Crisis Management Organisation'".

Now that is hilarious and a blatant LIE.

Of course NLC used to be run by the army till some Generals desided to put it in their pocket.

They are also behind ISAF/NATO container theft that the Supreme Court is looking into.

Pakistan, Peshawar
Pakistan by mountaintrekker2001

2. Let's also not forget that the supplies were never fully stopped and that too was a PR stunt so their "reopening" announcement was another lie by both the civilan government and the army.

(Their excuse for reopening it is BEYOND hilarious; they said they were opening them "on humanitarian basis").

3. That the Pakistani army is an arm of the US/CIA, of that their is no doubt.

They have already alienated the biggest province Balochistan with over 60 years of atrocities and today they are doing the same in the North Western province (recently renamed 'Khyber-Pakhtoonkhwa') by carrying out murder and mayham there under the guise of the War on Terror.

Yes, Pakistans breakup is in full swing and the guys implimenting it are the army and the current civilian leadership.

Rehman Malik

4. A point about Rehman Malik: Remember this guys last job was to safeguard just one person, i.e. Benazir Bhutto.

Well, you know how effective he was there.

And it is a fact that when she was attacked, Rehman Malik RAN AWAY.

So how was he punished?

He was make the Interior Minister, responsible for the security of 180 million people.

That he was such elevated was a demand of the U.S. that brought the current leadership into power too is a commonly accepted fact.


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