From a post entitled BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA.

we learn:

There is a belief that Obama has been subjected to CIA mind control and that these CIA mind controllers are fans of the occult.

The Obama regime pretended to kill Osama on 1 May 2011.

"After the onslaught on what appeared to have been a defenseless family, Pakistan authorities found at least 3 bodies of men in pools of blood slain at the scene."[12]

1 May was the day that Adolf Hitler's fake death was announced to the world.,

Above, Barack Obama displays around his neck the strange symbol of the stick man with inverted arms turned downwards. It denotes evil and death.[25]

Above, Michelle Obama wears the abnormal Pagan Cross. It appears on the tombstones of some of Hitler’s SS troops as a sign of pagan mysticism.[26]

Malia Obama

The CIA's brainwashing of children used Nazi scientists.

CIA brainwashing

“Well, if they were choosing the best and brightest, maybe they figured these kids would one day rise to important positions in the society, and they wanted to gain long-term control over them, so they would be under their thumb, so they could tap them at will — a way of controlling the future society.” Testimony of MK ULTRA Child Victim, March 15, 1995, in Washington, D.C., before the President’s Committee on Radiation [36]

In 1960, Dr. William Thetford (above) along with a David Saunders headed the CIA's MK-ULTRA brainwashing Subproject 130.

During the 1950s, Mengele (above) moved freely around the USA. Mengele helped develop the CIA's mind control programmes, which involved the extreme torture of children.

Obama and Oprah may have come out of Dr. Thetford’s 1960 Subproject 130.

Above, recently discovered family photograph of the Dunhams (Obama's mother's family) during the early 1950s in Beirut, Lebanon.

In 1953, Stanley Armour, Madelyn Dunham along with Ann Stanley was stationed in Beirut with Dr. Thetford, most likely as deep cover CIA agents.[50]

In Hawaii, lurking behind the scenes during Obama's most impressionistic years was the infamous MK ULTRA British Godfather and Mind Control Expert, Dr. Gregory Bateson.

Stanley Armour, Madelyn and Stanley Ann Dunham may have been deep cover CIA agents involved in Mind Control Programs, with Psychologist Dr. William Thetford.

Obama and Frank Davis, reportedly Obama's real father.

Reportedly, Obama's grandfather, Stanley Armour, turned Obama over to Davis at age 10 or 1.

For seven years, Obama had a “father-son” relationship with Davis, who confessed to being an underground pedophile practicing a wide array of deviant sexual activities; voyeurism (paraphilia), exhibitionism, bisexuality, rape, sadomasochism, and bondage.[72]

Davis’ most likely role in Obama’s preteen years (9-13) was as a special 'MONARCH' (CIA brainwashing) handler and programmer.

Davis may have been a FBI/CIA asset since 1948 in Seattle.

Operation Monarch involved using severe electro-shock trauma, sexual abuse, and other sadistic methods designed to split the subject’s mind into alternate personalities.

Above, Obama on the shoulders of a man with an uncanny likeness to NASA Astronaut Air Force Captain Virgil (Gus) Grissom, Master Mason.

Gus Grissom and NASA Astronaut U.S. Navy Captain LeRoy Gordon Cooper, Jr. (33rdDegree Mason) were directly involved in a secret MK ULTRA-NASA mind control program, SPACE KIDS.[80]

On January 27, 1967, Grissom was killed in a suspicious space capsule fire. Before his body was cold, federal agents invaded his home and seized Grissom’s personal records and diary.[81]

January 1, 1968, Obama relocated to Jakarta, Indonesia.

Above, 'the pagan mystic and occulted mass murderer' General Suharto of Indonesia. In March 1968, the CIA backed general took power and instituted a 'New Order' in Indonesia.[83]

Around one million Indonesians were murdered as a result of the CIA coup in Indonesia.

The CIA gave Suharto lists of people who were to be killed.

Obama's mother worked for CIA front organisations.

Larry Sinclair alleges a drug and sex encounter with Obama in November 1998.

Michelle Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, is reportedly a Pagan “Handmaiden of Santeria” in the White House.[93]

On election night, November 4, 2008, Michelle Obama appeared in a ('Satanic') red and black dress at Grant Park in Chicago.[97]

Below, Malia is dressed in a pool of red, the Blood Sacrifice. Sasha (Alexandra the Great) was dressed in black for a funeral, the Luciferian sacrifice.

Alex Jones

Anonymous commented as follows on a previous post:

Who are the individuals who DO scheme for world power?

I have stated here before there is a Globalist/Zionist cabal seeking ultimate power, but I've also stated there is more to it than that.

Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express is an apt analogy, with many hands (factions) on the dagger handle.

 In fact, I'm left wondering if that book and Christie's M or N? suggest she knew that (one) there are more than one faction who see world government as their ticket to permanent power and (two) these factions are based on a vertical, rigid hierachy.

Whether it's Masonry or Nazism or Zionism rigid hierarchy is the key, along with a secret agenda at the top, not known to those below them in the hierarchy.

Each "great power" country has had a faction, at one time or another, bent on world hegemony. Certainly, the one group coming closest to this ultimate power were the international bankers/Zionists with their takeover of Russia and the establishment of Israel. 

In fact, they haven't given up this pursuit in my opinion. There is a problem for these power mongers, however.

If you want absolute power, it eventually comes down to one man or one faction, but there are many men and several factions vying for the ultimate absolute power.

So, you are bound to have in-fighting among the men and factions, even if they have similar goals -- or the same goal.

 Divide and rule is a tactic, in as such, it's neutral (the tactic is not morally wrong, in of itself).

Yes, divide and rule has primarily been used by the worst (those conscious of an objective) to control the rest, but it can be reversed to unite the rest and divide the worst.

Divide the worst on natural endemic fault-lines, which exist because their ultimate objective of absolute power, in as such, will always have a struggle for power among equals.

The quest for absolute power generally comes down to (boils down to) one man.

 That may be humanity's best tactic to employ in order to avoid an authoritarian future which enslaves most of humanity to an endless servitude to a rigid hierarchy that hides its ultimate agenda to control Man forever into perpetuity.


Annabelle Rothschild (Annabelle Neilson) who was married to Nat Rothschild. Website for this image / The extrovert lifestyle of the former Mrs Nathaniel Rothschild ...

In 1912, Colonel Edward M House wrote a novel called Philip Dru: Administrator.

In this book, Dru becomes the dictator of America.

On 3 April 2012, at SALONARTHUR GOLDWAG wrote: "The century-old novel right-wingers believe guides Obama"

According to: "NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY – Hidden History":

"House had set down his political ideas in his book called Philip Dru: Administrator in 1912.

"In this book House laid out a thinly fictionalized plan for conquest of America by establishing “Socialism as dreamed by Kari Marx.”

"He described a “conspiracy”-the word is his which succeeds in electing a U.S. President by means of “deception regarding his real opinions and intentions.”

"Among other things, House wrote that the conspiracy was to insinuate “itself into the primaries, in order that no candidate might be nominated whose views were not in accord with theirs.”

"Elections were to become mere charades conducted for the bedazzlement of the booboisie.

"The idea was to use both the Democrat and Republican parties as instruments to promote World Government."

Some quotes from the Salon article:

1. "In the 1920s and 1930s, the enemy was the Rothschild-Rockefeller nexus of bankers and Bolshevik Jews. 

"In the 1950s and 1960s it was race-war-fomenting internationalist Insiders. 

"In the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s, United Nations blue helmets, black helicopters and the New World Order."

Colonel Edward M. House and Obama (Wikipedia/AP)

2. "Just last week, a far-right website called Political Vel Craft ran an article called “Obama – The Genghis Khan for the Rothschild Bankers!”

3. "Perhaps not surprisingly, the conspiracist literature also features considerable speculation about whether House was Jewish. 

"In“Zionism: The Hidden Tyranny,” a 1950s vintage pamphlet, Benjamin H. Freedman, the millionaire owner of the Woodbury Soap Co. who, before he converted to Catholicism and took up the cause of anti-Communism and anti-Zionism had been a self-styled “highly-placed insider” in the Jewish establishment, notes that House “did not claim or disclaim his Talmudist ancestry to this author.” 

"In “The Controversy of Zion,” the English anti-Semite Douglas Reed expatiates on the mystery of House’s origins, pointedly quoting his biographer Arthur D. Howden, who wrote that House’s “middle name, Mandell, was that of ‘a Jewish merchant in Houston, who was one of his father’s most intimate friends; the fact that the elder House conferred a Jewish name upon his son indicates the family’s attitude towards the race’).”

"John Coleman has contended that House, who was born in Houston in 1858, was really Mandell Huis, a Dutch Jew."


Arthur Goldwag's new book, "The New Hate: A History of Fear and Loathing on the Populist Right," was published by Pantheon in February. He is also the author of "The Beliefnet Guide to Kabbalah," "Isms & Ologies" and "Cults, Conspiracies and Secret Societies." MORE ARTHUR GOLDWAG.


In 2007, Cameron Diaz, according to Us Weekly reports, was dating David de Rothschild

According to James Kurisunkal of Park Avenue Peerage, "David has just about the most fabulous surname in England, perhaps second only to Windsor. But he's not a haughty toff."

"He jet-sets only to raise awareness about climate change, using his fortune to make the world a much better place."

Read more:

David Mayer de Rothschild - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Nat Rothschild came to Indonesia because of its coal.(Indonesia: the East's waking giant)

"Rothschild came to inspect the huge coal resources controlled by the Bakrie family, who were wily powerbrokers under Suharto and well known in the Asian markets for their agile financial engineering.

"To the amazement of the Jakarta investment community, he struck a deal to bring them to the London stock market in a partnership that was christened Bumi plc.

"His stated aim was to acquire stakes in natural resources in emerging markets, improve corporate governance and deliver the credibility of a London listing. It didn't work out that way.

"Last week Bumi was dealing with its second share price collapse in six months, which led to the breach of covenants on a $US437m loan to the Bakries.

"The company flirted with disaster last northern autumn, when the Bakries avoided a $US1.3bn default by selling part of their stake to a big Indonesian investor, Samin Tan. He replaced Rothschild as co-chairman.

"The boardroom battles then became embarrassingly public with the leak of a letter from Rothschild criticising the refinancing of a dollars 600m loan from the China Investment Corporation, which is controlled by the Beijing government."
One of the Rothschilds' mansions in Germany. This was destroyed in an allied bombing raid, in 1944. 

We used to know some of the Rothschild family.

They did not appear to be all powerful.

We never saw any armies of bodyguards or lines of bullet proof limousines.

However, the Rothschilds are linked to Your Real Government 
During the 19th century, according to Wikipedia, the Rothschilds had by far the biggest private fortune in the world.

Amschel Rothschild, an Ashkenazi Jewish gentleman born c. 1710 in a Jewish ghetto in Germany, was a money changer, who had traded with the Prince of Hesse.
His son Mayer Rothschild, born in 1744, built up 'a finance house' which spread to various European cities.

The Rothschild family motto is "Harmony, Integrity, Industry", and it has been claimed that the Rothschilds would not have succeeded if they had not had a reputation at least for professionalism.

Lord Victor Rothschild who worked for the British security services and who allegedly gave away nuclear secrets to Israel.
During the Napoleonic Wars, the Rothschilds lent money to the British government.

The Rothschilds in London got the news of Wellington's victory at the Battle of Waterloo a day ahead of the government's official messengers. The Rothschilds quickly bought up government bonds and made a big profit.

We don't believe that the Rothschilds planned the battle of Waterloo, or for that matter Operation Northwoods.

But we assume that their 'agents' are very well informed about what is going on in the world.

And Lord Victor Rothschild was involved in the world of espionage.

Annonymous informs us that "Edmond de Rothschild was involved in the Propaganda Due lodge along with Henry Kissinger and Michael Ledeen as part of the NATO Strategy of Tension, mostly likely coordinating the Italian operation (Gladio) with the insiders of Italian finance, business, military and government. Small fry like Gelli, Berlusconi and others."

Lord Victor Rothschild's son Amschel Mayor James Rothschild, who died in mysterious circumstances. 

Jewish families such as the Rothschilds and Lazards were the pioneers in 'international finance' during the latter part of the nineteenth century.

The Rothschilds were part of the industrialisation of Europe.

They were involved in financing railways systems around the world and projects such as the Suez Canal.

Businesses founded with Rothschild money include Alliance Assurance in 1824 (now Royal & SunAlliance); Chemin de Fer du Nord in 1845; Rio Tinto Group in1873; Société Le Nickel in 1880 (now Eramet); Imétal in 1962 (now Imerys), and De Beers.

Amschel Mayor James Rothschild's daughter Kate Rothschild is married to Ben Goldsmith 

According to the Jewish Encyclopedia c. 1906, "Of more recent years, non-Jewish financiers have learned the same cosmopolitan method, and, on the whole, the control is now rather less than more in Jewish hands than formerly."

By the later 19th century, almost all Rothschilds had started to marry outside the family.

Alice Rothschild, sister of Kate Rothschild, was reported to be living with Zac Goldsmith, brother of Ben. (Zac Goldsmith ups the ante as his poker girl Alice Rothschild ...) Zak and Ben are the sons of Sir James Goldsmith, who is rumoured to be the father of Lady Diana. 

The Rothschilds are not all powerful.

In 1861, the Unification of Italy led to the decline of the Italian aristocracy who had been the Rothschild's main clients.

The Rothschilds had to close their Naples bank.

In 1929, the economic crash hit the Rothschilds.

Baron Louis von Rothschild struggled to shore up the Creditanstalt, Austria's largest bank, to prevent its collapse.

During World War II the Rothschilds had to surrender some of their assets to the Nazis and flee.

Rothschild palaces were confiscated, plundered and destroyed by the Nazis.

In 1982, the Socialist government of François Mitterrand nationalized the Rothschild's Paris business and renamed it Compagnie Européenne de Banque.

The Israeli Supreme Court, including a pyramid with the all Seeing Eye. 

Some of the Rothschilds opposed the creation of the Jewish state.

Baron Edmond de Rothschild was a patron of the first Jewish settlement in Palestine at Rishon-LeZion.

He bought from Ottoman landlords (Ottoman Turkey then controlled Palestine) parts of the land which now makes up present-day Israel.

In 1924, he set up the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association (PICA), which acquired more than 125,000 acres of land.

James A. de Rothschild financed the Knesset building.

The Supreme Court of Israel building was donated by Dorothy de Rothschild.

Interviewed by Haaretz in 2010, Baron Benjamin Rothschild said that he supported the peace process.

He said: "I understand that it is a complicated business, mainly because of the fanatics and extremists – and I am talking about both sides.

"I think you have fanatics in Israel...

"In general I am not in contact with politicians. I spoke once with Netanyahu. I met once with an Israeli finance minister, but the less I mingle with politicians the better I feel."

Baron Benjamin Rothschild continued: "We do business with all kinds of countries, including Arab countries...

"My oldest daughter's boyfriend is a Saudi. He is a great guy and if she will want to marry him, she can."

Waddesdon manor. The last member of the Rothschild family to own Waddesdon Manor was James de Rothschild. He bequeathed the house and its contents to the National Trust in 1957.
Since the end of the 19th century, the Rothschilds have donated many of their estates, as well as much of their art, to charities and museums.

Reportedly, this is Marie Helene de Rothschild 

It has been claimed that the Rothschilds belong to the Illuminati, the 'secret rulers of the world', people who encourage wars.

The historian Niall Ferguson wrote: "As we have seen, however, wars tended to hit the price of existing bonds by increasing the risk that a debtor state would fail to meet its interest payments in the event of defeat and losses of territory.

"By the middle of the 19th century, the Rothschilds had evolved from traders into fund managers, carefully tending to their own vast portfolio of government bonds.

"Now having made their money, they stood to lose more than they gained from conflict.

"The Rothschilds had decided the outcome of the Napoleonic Wars by putting their financial weight behind Britain. Now they would sit on the sidelines." (Rothschild family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)


In August 1996 it was reported that Amschel Rothschild had died in mysterious circumstances.

"French police have determined that Amschel Rothschild, heir to
the fabulous Rothschild banking fortune, was murdered, according
to well-placed European sources...

"A Spotlight inquiry has established that Rothschild, 41, a
billionaire investment banker and a noted sportsman in excellent
health, was discovered lifeless on the floor of the bathroom of
his suite at the luxurious Bristol Hotel in Paris on July 8 at
7:32 pm...

"'Murdoch sent a hotline fax to his 600-odd editors and news
managers around the world, ordering them to report Amschel's
death as a heart attack, if at all,' said British broadcast
reporter Ian Gooding. 'No one around here has ever seen such
pressure to kill a front-page story. But in the end, the
cover-up was complete.'"

Four years after the death of Amschel, Raphael de Rothschild died of a heroin overdose in New York. ( That Rothschild clan in full: eccentricity, money, influence and ...)

David de Rothschild, son of Sir Evelyn 

Charming Anthony James de Rothschild, son of Sir Evelyn, is Co-managing Director of Brighton based A7 music. He is married to Danish model and UK TV presenter Tania Strecker.

Geography-loving David de Rothschild has spent time in the Ecuadorian rainforest documenting the damage international oil companies have created by drilling the vast oil reserves, and in turn disturbing the natural and social order. David is a son of Evelyn de Rothschild.

According to Walter C Langer's "The Mind of Hitler: The Secret War Report" (1972), Langer, a psychoanalyst, was approached by Col. William "Wild Bill" Donovan, of the OSS, to conduct a psychological investigation of Hitler.

Langer mentions that Hitler had been linked to the Rothschilds in a book written by an ex-Gestapo officer.

The story was that Hitler's father's mother Maria Schicklgruber had slept with a Baron Rothschild in Vienna. (This Rothschild may have been Salomon Mayer).

Langer notes: "we can leave it as a possibility that requires further verification."Donovan was J.P.Morgan's lawyer.

Reportedly, J.P.Morgan was the American agent for the English Rothschilds.aangirfan: Rothschilds and Geography

"In Eustace Mullin's book (SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE by Eustace Mullins (, compiled mostly from US Library of Congress records, the author concludes that 4 or 5 of the original shareholdings were held by what Mullin’s concluded were Rothschild-controlled Fronts. 

"So in future when you hear the terms ‘the Fed’ or ‘Federal Reserve’, it might be more useful to think 'Rothschild'".aangirfan: ROTHSCHILD, THE FED, WINOKUR 

Former Suharto 'crony' Bakrie has joined forces with the Rothschild Banking Dynasty. aangirfan: ROTHSCHILD, GAYUS, BAKRIE 

"On 21 December 2010, Jessica de Rothschild is to marry Sacha Gervasi."

Gervasi once had a relationship with Spice Girl Geri Halliwell and their offspring is Bluebell Madonna Halliwell. 

Reportedly, Gervasi once had a £200-a-day heroin and crack cocaine habit.

Sacha Gervasi's father, Sean Gervasi, was an economic advisor to John F. Kennedy; Sean Gervasi became "a leading member of the anti-Vietnam war movement." Sacha Gervasi's uncle, Tom Gervasi, was an expert on intelligence matters.

Jessica de Rothschild is the daughter of banker Sir Evelyn de Rothschild

Victor Rothschild 'stole all major UK/US weapons developments in the Second World War, including the atomic bomb'. Rothschild, 'was involved in so many aspects of spying that he seemed like a super-agent, sabotaging every Western intelligence initiative for 20 years after the war'. 

Victor Rothschild worked with Kim Philby at the MI6 offices set up at the Rothschild family mansion in Paris. Edward Heath in 1970 appointed Rothschild head of the government's Central Policy Review Staff. It was later claimed that Rothschild persuaded Heath to appoint Michael Hanley as Director General of MI5 in 1972. Later Margaret Thatcher appointed Rothschild as her unofficial security adviser. Victor Rothschild reportedly helped Israel to obtain some of Britain's nuclear secrets. aangirfan: THE PRIME MINISTER AND ISRAEL 

Allegedly, Sir Roger Hollis and Stephen Ward were part of a 'Soviet' spy ring with Sir Anthony Blunt and Victor Rothschild. aangirfan: TOP PEOPLE & THE 'SATANIC SEX CULT' 

While a student at Cambridge University, Kim Philby began his long friendship with Victor Rothschild. aangirfan: PHILBY : WHO WAS HE WORKING FOR? 
Ted Rothschild was Nathaniel Mayer VICTOR Rothschild (1910 to 1990), the third Lord Rothschild. In the book 'The Fifth Man', (by Roland Perry, Pan Books London 1994) Roland Perry puts the case that Ted Rothschild was a major spy for Russia and Israel. aangirfan: MI5 and MI6 

Anonymous comments:

The BIS is the coordination centre of global private and public central banking. It is owned by central banks around the world, which in turn are in certain important instances privately owned. This ownership is obscured with extreme care. (Private shareholders like George Soros were bought out under the management of Andrew Crockett. At a considerable premium, I might add.)

For example, ownership of the Bank of England is hidden under the provisions of the Companies Act 1976, Section 27(9).

Are the Rothschilds among the beneficial shareholders? Almost certainly. But I doubt they're the only ones, possibly not even the main ones.

Freedom of Information requests in the US to determine the ownership of the Federal Reserve Banks have been quietly obstructed. However, it doesn't take a genius to guess that Goldman, Morgan and Lazard are among the biggest influences.

No idea about Banque de France, Deutsche Bundesbank, Banca d'Italia, Banco de España and other ECB-linked central banks. Certainly Mario Draghi of Banca d'Italia has clear credentials as a lackey of Anglo investment banking.

The Rothschilds are very clearly involved in more than tending vineyards, eating chocolate, collecting objets d'arts, and clipping the topiaries in Ascott House.

Lynn Forest de Rothschild is active on the board of the Economist Group, and a trustee of the Peterson Institute for International Economics and of course on the CFR. Pete Peterson, though influential in his own right, is a Rockefeller man.

Edmond de Rothschild was involved in the Propaganda Due lodge along with Henry Kissinger and Michael Ledeen as part of the NATO Strategy of Tension, mostly likely coordinating the Italian operation (Gladio) with the insiders of Italian finance, business, military and government. Small fry like Gelli, Berlusconi and others.

The Rothschilds are longterm Insiders but in the last century they've been eclipsed by the Rockefellers.

The Rockefellers, and David in particular, had clear influence over the OSS/CIA, NATO, the formation of the EU, NAFTA, GATT, the United Nations and associated organizations (IMF, World Bank), the Trilateral Commission.

More covertly, the Pilgrims Society has a strong Rockefeller presence. This is essentially the continuation of Rhodes's anglosupremacist conspiracy as reported by Quigley.

In short, the Rothschilds are still important. But they are not the ultimate puppeteers.


Duke of Kent - Scots Guards

In December 1948, the British military murdered 24 innocent villagers.

A few of the bodies were mutilated by the British, according to reports.

The village was burnt by the British; and the women and children 'were taken away', presumably to a concentration camp.

This massacre, carried out by the notorious Scots Guards, took place in Malaysia.

Child in a British concentration camp in South Africa. 

The idea behind the killings was to terrify the Malays and keep Malaya as part of the British Empire.

The media reported the massacre as a triumph.

The dead were labourers working in a rubber plantation, at Batang Kali, north of Kuala Lumpur.

Batang Kali

But the military and the media claimed they were suspected terrorists killed while trying to escape.

In 1949, 'an inquiry' found that the killings were 'a bona fide mistake'.

Some of those involved in the inquiry later claimed they gave false evidence.

The UK Government files on Batang Kali are missing.

(Details from a police investigation were obtained by Ian Ward and Norma Miraflor, authors of a book about the killings, entitled Slaughter and Deception at Batang Kali.)

Famine in British-run India - Website for this image 

In KENYA, the British used beatings, sexual humiliation, hooding, sleep deprivation, and bombarding with white noise. 

32 Whites were killed by the Mau Mau during the five-year state of emergency. More whites died in traffic accidents in the capital city, Nairobi. 

Kenyans were forced into concentration camps and routinely tortured. Some 150,000 Africans died as a direct result of the British policy. 

There was a "constant stream of reports of brutalities by police, military and home guards", wrote Canon Bewes, a British missionary. "Some of the people had been using castration instruments and two men had died under castration." 

Other brutalities included slicing off ears, boring holes in eardrums, flogging people to death, pouring paraffin over suspects and setting them alight and burning eardrums with cigarettes. 
A British district officer admitted, "There was outright abuse of power and some of the crimes committed were horrific. One day six Mau Mau suspects were brought into a police station in the neighbouring district to mine. The British police inspector in charge lined them up against a wall and shot them." 

A mobile gallows travelled the country. Over 1,000 were hanged, their bodies displayed at crossroads and market places. 
British concentration camp in Kenya. 

The British used terror in Malaya. 

This involved aerial bombing, massacres of villagers, dictatorial police measures and the "resettlement" of hundreds of thousands of people. 


During the state of emergency, from 1952 to 1957, the British army used torture. 

Cypriot Nicos Koshies: 

"They took me to the Special Branch and they started beating me. They took off all my clothes, they tied my hands and feet. They asked somebody to come in. He was taking a stick to put up my bottom, he was putting cloths in water and putting them on my face so I could not breathe, he threw me down and danced on my stomach when he was wearing boots. After 12 days I could not recognise myself." 

James Callaghan in the House of Commons: 

"On 29 June 1957 an inquest was held into the death of Nicos Georghiou. Dr Clearkin said in evidence that bruises in the head were sufficiently severe to have caused the injuries to the brain, perhaps bumping the head against a hard object." 

British concentration camp in South Africa 

In Aden, later known as South Yemen, SAS squads used terror against local villages. 

An official investigation found that from 1964 to 1967 detainees at a British interrogation centre were routinely tortured. Their eardrums were burst. 

Others were forced to lean against walls with their fingertips for day and subjected to white noise for hours. 

British concentration camp in South Africa 

Former detainees in Bahrain have described being beaten, electrocuted, whipped, tied in excruciating positions for days on end, kept awake, starved and having their toenails torn out. 


The Compton official inquiry acknowledged that the armyhooded suspects, fed them on just bread and water and blasted them with noise.
An Amnesty International report said, "It is because we regard the deliberate destruction of a man's ability to control his own mind with revulsion that we reserve a special place in our catalogue of moral crimes for techniques of thought control and brainwashing. Any interrogation procedure which has the purpose or effect of causing a malfunction or breakdown of a man's mental processes constitutes as grave an assault on the inherent dignity of the human person as more traditional techniques of physical torture." 

A European human rights report found that British army techniques amounted to "inhuman and degrading treatment" causing "at least intense physical and mental suffering". 

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