Gregory Klimov

In 1947, Gregory Klimov, an officer in the Soviet military, defected to the West.

According to Richard Evans ('Homo International' Controls East & West - Soviet Defector)

"Klimov believed that the Soviet system was dominated by a secret society of sociopaths bonded by a common pathology termed 'the power complex'.

"This complex is usually associated with suppressed sadism, which in turn is the result of latent homosexuality...

"Klimov observed that admission up the ladder of the power structure required membership in the usual secret societies - Masons etc...

"They rely upon a social structure of hierarchy based upon fear and covetous envy - the essence of sado-masochism.

"It's the 'dog eat dog' rat race culture.

"As a translator and communications expert, Klimov saw normal productive individuals like himself were essentially prisoners in the system serving these degenerate 'superiors' out of fear...

Disney has been linked to the CIA. TheConspiracyZone : THE PERVERTED WALT DISNEY EMPIRE

"Working inside the top secret level of the CIA it wasn't long before he recognized the same culture of degenerates operates both sides behind the scenes......

"Klimov's discovery of a sado-homo-homocidal mafia at the top levels of power whether East or West coincides with Jim Garrison's 1967 independent investigation into the Kennedy Assassination.

"Garrison was told of the Washington DC 'homosexual elite' which constitutes the secret government. Garrison concluded that a primary reason Kennedy was so blatantly and brutally murdered before the American public was their contempt for Kennedy's heterosexuality.

Selena Gomez

At activistpost we read:

"It is well documented that global pedophile rings are operated primarily due to demand from rich elitists in positions of power.

"Cases in Portugal, Austria, France, Chile, Belgium, and Bosnia have all pointed to the involvement of prominent individuals in sex rings, sadomasochistic orgies and even murder...

"The children of the world are being attacked and degraded by the mainstream media and entertainment, which is almost entirely controlled by only six corporations.

Lady Gaga

"Madonna’s recent occult Superbowl half-time show and Nikki Minaj’s black mass satanic ritual at the 2012 Grammy Awards was only the tip of the iceberg."

CONTINUED HERE: The Global War on Children: Predators, the Occult, and Pop Culture

Macho gay

Two executives of the CIA created Panorama group, 54 and 55 years old, use US taxpayers money for sex with 16 years old boys and girls.

In Thailand, and elsewhere, it is agents of the government who reportedly keep the child brothels in business.

In Belgium, it was top policemen and judges who reportedly protected Dutroux's child abuse network.

In the USA, the military have been linked to organised child sex abuse networks.


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