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Presumably the idea behind Operation Breivik was to increase CIA-Mossad-Mafia control over Norway, and Europe.

And the Arctic.  (http://www.voltairenet.org/Norway-NATO-Rehearses-For-War-In)

So, how does this work?

On 25 April 2012, at Activist Post, we read about how Operation Breivik has affected European attitudes to Moslems and Jews.


"Last week Geert Wilder's fervently anti-Islam Freedom Party, the third largest party in the Netherlands, brought down the Dutch coalition government...

"In France, Marine Le Pen's equally strongly anti-Islam National Front won a record 18 percent of the vote in the first round of presidential elections...

"Last week the leader of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats in parliament, Volker Kauder, described Islam as 'not part of our tradition and identity in Germany and so does not belong in Germany'...

Israel's Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and his Norwegian counterpart Jonas Gahr Store

Operation Breivik, like Operation Gladio, appears to be part of a "strategy of tension".

"The ultimate beneficiaries are clear - the shadowy criminal elite who profit from such 'systemic destabilisation' and who Peter Dale Scott characterises as the 'overworld'.

"It must be pointed out that Zionist supporters of Israel are one of the beneficiaries of the tensions currently being played out in Europe.

"Indeed, the new-found alliance between staunchly pro-Israeli Zionists and ultranational anti-Islamists, is one of the most intriguing aspects of today's political scene.

"The extreme right has traditionally been seen... as anti-Semitic - and yet now we see many examples of the ... far-right openly embracing Zionism and Zionists...

"The Dutch politician Geert Wilders... is also a staunch supporter of Israel...

"The English Defence League, to whom some have linked Breivik, openly state their support of Israel...

"The EDL has a Jewish Division, run by the Zionist Roberta Moore, who recently expressed her support for Breivik's murders and claimed that his teenage victims were 'not innocent'. 

"In France, Le Pen's National Front has also reportedly won support recently, from a previously hostile Jewish community."

The Activist post article, by Brit Dee, first appeared at Resistance Radio 

Brit Dee runs an independent online radio station called Resistance Radio, which broadcasts daily news, views and analysis challenging the lies of our corrupt political and financial leaders, and the controlled corporate media, at http://www.resistradio.com.

Of course the Islamists are secretly controlled by the CIA and Mossad.

The CIA's Islamists are being used to help the CIA-Mossad exercise control over such countries as Libya, Nigeria, Indonesia, Turkey... 

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