Kenny's sideshow: Putin Fails the 9/11 Litmus Test

In March 2012, it was reported that Russia is planning to let NATO use one of its airfields as its Afghan hub.

Russia 'has expressed willingness' to allow NATO to use an airfield in Russia as a transit centre for moving troops and 'nonlethal' cargo into Afghanistan.

The USA is having problems with supply routes through Pakistan.

Reportedly, the USA is thinking about 'speeding up its withdrawal from Afghanistan'.

Russia opposes a fast exit of troops from Afghanistan.

This is reportedly because of worries about militant Moslems and drug trafficking.

Afghan heroin floods into Russia and has increased rates of HIV-AIDS.

Putin and friend

Currently, NATO relies on overland routes beginning at ports in Latvia or Georgia that require the cooperation of Russia and certain Central Asian nations.

The USA's Gen. William M. Fraser III says: "We now have a two-way approval to move equipment back out of Afghanistan through Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Also, Russia has approved this and Uzbekistan recently approved this."

The cargo moving through Russia gives Russian freight companies more than $1 billion a year in business.

Andrew C. Kuchins, a Russia expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, says Russia will use its position to reassert "a greater hegemonic role" in Eurasia.

Curently, Russia allows the United States to fly troops into Afghanistan through Russian airspace.

General Fraser says that withdrawal from Afghanistan will be impossible without reopening the Pakistani routes.

Russia is to check the NATO cargoes for drugs - official: Voice of Russia
NATO's Afghan cargoes going through Russia will be checked for drugs, Russia's deputy Foreign said following talks between Moscow and NATO on the issue.

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According to Reuters, on 6 April 2012, "Syria faced pressure from all sides at the United Nations on Thursday as UN Arab League envoy Kofi Annan set a precise deadline for an end to the conflict with clear backing from Russia, China and the rest of the UN Security Council...

"Russia and China ... in a diplomatic setback for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, have recently supported several statements urging Damascus to accept Annan’s plan..."

Syria pressured from all sides at UN to halt violence




Is Putin a puppet?

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