THE FAMOUS DANE AND DEAD CHILDREN; du har blod på dine hænder

Anders Fogh Rasmussen - Du har blod på dine hænder

Fogh Rasmussen is Secretary-General of NATO.

In Denmark's national university hospital, a very sick patient, Susanne Larsen, 44, was hauled out of a hospital ward.

She was dumped into a small windowless office.

This was to make room for Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

Larsen was left alone for four hours.

Staff told her that if she wanted help she would have to 'bang a teacup with a spoon'.

Larsen then suffered a seizure.

She was left in pools of her own vomit.

None of the staff heard her.

Rasmussen, meanwhile, was recovering from a light operation on an arm he damaged on a bicycle ride.

He had the ward to himself.

Read more:

Majer in Libya

In August 2011, NATO carried out a major massacre in the Libyan town of Majer.

NATO murdered 85 People, including 33 Children and 32 Women.

German broadcaster Deutsche Welle has investigated:

1. 500-pound bombs were dropped on people's homes.

2. NATO's bombing of Majer was meant "to clear the way for rebels to advance on the embattled Gadhafi-controlled city of Zlitan, 10 kilometers to the north."

Qana massacre in Lebanon

According to San Francisco Bay View:

"NATO used the same tactic that Israel used during the two Qana massacres.

"After the first three bombs dropped at around 11 pm, many residents of the area ran to the bombed houses to try to save their loved ones.

"NATO then instantly struck with more bombs slaughtering 85 Libyans."

The QANA massacres were carried out with American weapons in 1996 and 2006.

51 children were murdered.



Angolan Children
Angola by Harleys & Thunderstorms

Angola is the second biggest oil-producer in sub-Saharan Africa.

In Angola, José Eduardo dos Santos has held power since 1979.

"Protests, albeit so far small ones, are bubbling."

Democracy in sub-Saharan Africa: It’s progress, even if it’s patchy

Most people in Angola "live on less than $1 per day".

Luanda by Harleys & Thunderstorms

Equatorial Guinea is the fourth biggest oil producer in sub-Saharan Africa.

President Teodoro Obiang of Equatorial Guinea has been in power for 32 years.

Whose next to be toppled by the USA-NATO?


The CIA and its friends have been using snipers to kill innocent civilians, according to various sources.


Such snipers have been used by the CIA and its friends in:

Syria, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia

Venezuela, Thailand,

Romania, Russia, Kyrgystan

Norway, Belgium, Ireland, Yugoslavia, USA, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan...

In the UK, in 1972, there took place the Bloody Sunday massacre.

Seven kids were among the dead.

There have been allegations that hidden military snipers provoked the massacre.

"It was members of his own RGJ regiment who fired on the Paratrooopers that day - they were under secret orders to provoke the Paras into attacking the crowd at the march."

LED ZEPPELIN and Clockwork Orange; VIETNAM WAR ...(comments)

Bloody Sunday

At Global Research, on 28 November 2011, Gearóid Ó Colmáin has written:

'Unknown Snipers and Western backed "Regime Change"'

Among the points made:

Romania 1989.

In Susanne Brandstätter’s TV documentary 'Checkmate: Strategy of a Revolution', Western spies revealed how death squads were used to destabilize Romania and turn its people against the head of state Nicolai Ceaucescu.

Dominique Fonvielle, formerly of the French secret service the DGSE, said that spies have to "destabilize the people to the disadvantage of the ruling regime."


Roma Sisters

Roma, Romania by The Global Fund

Romania has not improved.

"Most Romanians associate the last two decades with a continuous process of impoverishment and deteriorating living standards, according to Romania's Life Quality Research Institute, quoted by the Financiarul daily."


The western spies interviewed in the documentary revealed how the Western media play a central role in disinformation. The victims of Western-backed snipers are presented to the world as evidence of a crazed dictator who was 'killing his own people'.

Russian Kids Bridge Jumping

Russia by goingslowly

Russia 1993

In 1993, Boris Yeltsin’s counter-revolutionaries made extensive use of snipers.

According to many eye witness reports, snipers were seen shooting civilians from the building opposite the US embassy in Moscow.

The snipers were (wrongly) attributed to the Soviet government by the international media.

Yugoslavia 1990s

Secret US military support to terrorist groups in Yugoslavia created the conditions for 'humanitarian' bombing in 1999.

(German Intelligence and the CIA supported Al Qaeda sponsored terrorists.)

Venezuela kids thumbs up to you.

Venezuela By One more shot Rog

Venezuela 2002

In 2002, the CIA attempted to overthrow Hugo Chavez.

On the 11th of April 2002, an opposition march was organized.

Snipers hidden in buildings near the palace opened fire on protestors killing 18.

The media claimed (wrongly) that Chavez was 'killing his own people'.

Thailand April 2010

On April 12th 2010, there was a conflict between 'red-shirt' activists and the Thai government.

Unknown snipers killed 21 people.

Thailand's prime minister "Mr. Abhisit ... blamed rogue gunmen... State television broadcast repeated images of soldiers coming under fire from bullets and explosives."

The Christian Science Moniter quoted Thai military officials and unnamed Western diplomats:

"Military observers say Thai troops stumbled into a trap set by agents provocateurs..."

Some were caught on camera and seen by reporters.

"You can’t claim to be a peaceful political movement and have an arsenal of weapons out the back if needed. You can’t have it both ways," said a Western diplomat.

Kyrgyz Kids

Kyrgystan by fearghalonuallain

Kyrgystan June 2010

Ethnic violence broke out in the Central Asian republic of Kirgystan in June 2010.

Unknown snipers opened fire on members of the Uzbek minority in Kyrgystan. reported:

"Inhabitants offer convincing testimony of gunmen targeting their neighborhoods from vantage points...

"Many people are convinced that they’ve seen foreign mercenaries acting as snipers...

"Inhabitants report seeing black snipers and tall, blonde, female snipers from the Baltic states.

"The idea that English snipers have been roaming the streets of Osh shooting at Uzbeks is also popular."


Given the USA's track-record of using death squads to divide and weaken countries so as to maintain US domination, US involvement in the terrorism in Kyrgyzstan cannot be ruled out.

One effective way of maintaining a grip on Central Asian countries would be to increase ethnic tensions.

In August 6th 2008, the Russian newspaper Kommersant reported that a US arms cache had been found in a house in the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek, which was being rented by two American citizens.

An effective means of keeping the government firmly on America’s side would be to insist on a US and European presence in the country to help 'protect' the Uzbek minority.

The New York Times presents the familiar narrative of oppressed peoples begging the West to come and bomb or occupy their country:

"Ethnic Uzbeks in the south have clamored for international intervention."

Ethnic tension can be used to create an environment of fear in order to prop up an unpopular dictatorship.

Islamic Jihadism can be used to create what Zbigniew Bzrezinski called 'an arc of crisis'.


Tunisia by karim76

Tunisia January 2011

On January 16th 2011, CNN reported that 'armed gangs' were fighting Tunisian security forces.

Many of the murders committed during the Tunisian uprising were by 'unknown snipers'.

There were videos posted on the internet showing Swedish nationals detained by Tunisian security forces.

The men were clearly armed with sniper rifles.

Professor Michel Chossudovsky, William Engdahl and others showed how the uprisings in North Africa were following the patterns of US backed people-power coups.

The CIA and its friends, with the help of sections of the Tunisian military, toppled Ben Ali.

Egypt 2011

On October 20th 2011, the Telegraph newspaper wrote that Mina Daniel, an anti-government activist in Cairo, had been shot dead by an unknown sniper.

On February 6th Al Jazeera reported that Egyptian journalist Ahmad Mahmoud was shot by snipers.

Libya 2011

A video was aired by Al Jazeera showing demonstrators being fired upon.

The video was edited to convince the viewer that anti-Gaddafi demonstrators were being murdered by the security forces.

However, the unedited version of the video clearly shows pro-Gaddafi demonstrators with Green flags being fired upon by unknown snipers.!

The attribution of NATO-linked crimes to the security forces of the Libyan Jamahirya was a constant feature of the brutal media war waged against the Libyan people.

Syria 2011

The people of Syria have been hit by death squads and snipers.

Hundreds of Syrian soldiers and security personnel have been murdered, tortured and mutilated by Salafist and Muslim Brotherhood militants.

"When I visited Syria in April of this year, I personally encountered merchants and citizens in Hama who told me they had seen armed terrorists roaming the streets of that once peaceful city, terrorizing the neighbourhood."

Most people in Syria support the government.


Libyan resistance news - 29. 11. 2011.]

(1) The anti-Gaddafi rebels emptied Libyan community banks of gold backed dinar and gold bullion.

The new currency is not acceptable in neighboring Tunisia, Algeria, Niger, Egypt, Chad and Mali, international branches of green banks and international banks.

(2) Aisha Al Gadaffi has spoken to television channel Al-rai, urging all Libyans to follow the path of resistance.

(3) Heavy fighting continues between the green Southern command and Misrata rebel brigades.

The Misrata rebels continue to fire missiles on civilian areas in an attempt to dislodge green resistance defenders at the Akaku oil basin, and Southern regional oil reserve base.

Many rebel brigades continue to fight amongst each other, refusing to take orders and be answerable to NTC.

(4) Many CIA agents have been spotted by green intelligence agents in Tripoli.

(5) The Green army has uncovered mass graves in Sirte.

(6) A NATO militia and mercenary convoy heading towards the oil terminal of Brega was wiped out by the green resistance

(7) The Touareg battalion of South Libya is supporting the green resistance.




What links the 1968 assassination of Robert Kennedy to the Norway Attacks of 2011?

Sirhan Sirhan is a Christian, accused of killing Robert Kennedy.

Anders Breivik is a Christian, accused of carrying out the attacks in Norway.

Both Sirhan and Breivik were most likely brainwashed, and both are most likely innocent.

Anders Breivik has been declared by psychiatrists to be insane, which suggests possible brainwashing; the Norway Attacks were an INSIDE JOB.

Sirhan Sirhan's lawyers say that Sirhan was 'hypno-programmed'.

He was to be a diversion for the real assassins.


Anders Breivik was most likely a patsy, a diversion for the real assassins.

Anders Breivik

In a US court, Sirhan's lawyers say that an expert analysis of recently uncovered evidence shows:

(1) two guns were fired in the assassination and

(2) Sirhan's revolver was not the gun that shot Kennedy.

The lawyers allege that in Sirhan's 1969 trial the court allowed a substitute bullet to be admitted as evidence for a real bullet removed from Kennedy's neck.

According to court papers:

1. Sirhan "was an involuntary participant in the crimes being committed because he was subjected to sophisticated hypno programming and memory implantation techniques which rendered him unable to consciously control his thoughts and actions at the time the crimes were being committed."

2. The state "refuses to acknowledge that hypno programming/mind control is not fiction but reality and has been used for years by the U.S. military, Central Intelligence Agency and other covert organizations.

3. "Though the practices of hypno programming/mind control is hardly new, the public has been shielded from the darker side of the practice. The average person is unaware that hypnosis can and is used to induct antisocial conduct in humans."



Over the period 1927-2011, $1.00 invested in equities grew 29 times greater than $1.00 invested in government bonds.

(However, equities massively underperformed bonds from late 1929 to mid-1932 and their cumulative return didn’t overtake bonds again until 1950. Stocks have also cumulatively underperformed bonds since 2000.)


Should you could keep your money in gold, or shares (equities) or US government bonds?

In early September 2011, gold was around $1,900 an ounce.

The high price was due to many investors thinking that inflation was going to soar.

At the very same time, the 'ten-year US Treasury bond' was yielding less than 2%.

The popularity of the US treasury bonds was due to many investors believing that we were going to get deflation.

(Finance: Two views of the future The Economist)

The gold price is now well below $1,900 an ounce. ($1,715 an ounce)

Investors have looked at Japan.

Japan has had many years of high debt, low interest rates, and deflation.

Shares tend to do best when inflation is low.

But, shares MAY be a better hedge against inflation than government bonds.

Investors in shares hope for a recovery by 2013.

American companies profit margins "on some measures were even higher in 2011 than they were before the credit crunch; the last time they were so high was in the 1960s."

"Companies have built up a cash cushion to protect themselves against recession." (Finance: Two views of the future The Economist)



They tell us lies about the economy.

One moment the economy is 'sound'; the next moment it is 'in a mess'.

1. In 2010, Andreas Georgiou, from the IMF, became the head of Greece’s statistics agency.

Now he is facing an official criminal investigation for allegedly exaggerating the scale of the Greece’s financial crisis and acting against the Greek national interest.

Greece's statistics chief faces criminal probe -

Reportedly, Greece's deficit was exaggerated.

2. In the mid 1990s, we were told that the economy of Indonesia was sound.

In 1997-8, we were told that everything was in a mess; money fled the country; the economy collapsed.

Eventually, people like Rothschild and Soros arrived.

3. Around 2005, we were told that the UK economy was sound.

"Growth was high, unemployment low. Boom and bust had been abolished. Productivity showed no sign of the stagnation afflicting Europe. Inequality was stable and poverty rates were declining."

Today we are told that the UK economy is in a mess.

4. We are told that when it comes to their economies, Venezuela is bad, Colombia is good.

But, the GDP per person in Colombia is $7,650; the GDP per person in Venezuela is $10,360.

5. We are told that Gaddafi's Libya was bad; Morocco is better.

Morocco's gross national income per capita is $2,770 and the literacy rate is 56%.

Libya's gross national income per capita, under Gaddafi, was around $17,000.



Dilsat Aktas is a young lady who climbed onto an armoured police-carrier in Ankara, in Turkey.

She was protesting against the death of an activist.

The police broke Dilsat's hip.

Turkey and human rights: bad

It is claimed that over 500 students are now in prison for demonstrating against Recep Erdogan's ruling Justice and Development (AK) party.

Around 76 journalists are now in jail.

Around 47 lawyers have just been arrested.

The CIA wants Libya, Egypt and Tunisia to copy Turkey.

Turkey and human rights: bad

Why is The Economist telling us this?

Have they turned against Erdogan?

In 1974, the CIA arranged for Turkey to take over Northern Cyprus.

The sea between Cyprus and Israel-Palestine-Egypt is reported to have vast reserves of natural gas.

Oil and gas for Cyprus and Israel: Where there's gas, will there be a pipeline?

There is talk of co-operation between (Greek) Cyprus and Israel to construct a pipeline to transport gas to mainland Europe.

This would compete with pipelines from Russia and central Asia.

Turkey says that (Greek) Cyprus has no authority to search for oil and gas while Cyprus is divided.

Turkey is doing its own exploration off the coast of (Turkish) Cyprus.

The Turkish military is guarding the exploration.

Reportedly, Turkey and Israel are not the best of friends.


Ali Tarhouni

Ali Tarhouni has been both the oil minister, and the acting prime-minister, in the new Libya.

He has now quit.

He says that the new government of Libya represents less than 10% of the Libyan population.

He says the new government is being propped up by foreign "money, arms and PR."

Tarhouni lashes Libyan leaders

The new government of Libya is run by the CIA.

It is unpopular.

It contains no representatives of the Berbers (Amazigh), Touareg, Tebou or any 'black' or non-Arab Libyans.

In other words, it only has representatives from one third of the population.


Libya's Berbers have warned of a campaign against the Libyan government

Some of the new government have arrived from abroad; some hold foreign passports.

Libya is now a dictatorship which has at various points been run by:

1. Mahmoud Jibril, who is linked to the CIA.

At his university in the USA, Jibril was looked after by a CIA officer, who had been involved in the 1953 CIA coup in Iran.

Mahmoud Jibril with his minders - Bernard-Henri-Levy, Nicolas Sarkozy and David Cameron

2. Belhadj, who worked for the CIA in Aghanistan and Iraq.

He is al Qaeda.


3. Abdurrahim El-Keib, who is an American.

He is now Prime Minister.


4. Ali Tarhouni from the University of Washington.

Libya's new CIA government is now sending weapons to Syria's rebels, in the hope that Assad can be replaced by CIA assets. (Libya Sending Arms to Syrian Rebels, Arab League Imposes Sanctions)


Swedish Prime Minister Reinfeldt (left)

The Government, Parliament and military forces of Sweden reported for war crimes in Libya

Source: High crimes [dot] org Click here to see the suspects..

November 4, 2011

The International Prosecution Chamber in Stockholm
Box 70296
107 22 Stockholm

Report on serious offences subject to public prosecution

The offences include violations of international law, genocide, terrorism, and financing of terrorism.

Boss of Sweden's military Sverker Goranson


Until March 2011 Libya was a sovereign secular state, ranked by the United Nations as a “High Human Development” country in a global context5 (HDI ranking 53 out 194, ahead of countries like Russia and Brazil) and the most advanced country on the continent of Africa.

As late as Jan 4, 2011 – just weeks before the war started – several UN members applauded Libya’s continued commitment to upholding human rights.

Today, seven months later, Libya has – as a result of decisions and actions by individuals i.a. within the Swedish government and Sweden’s military forces – been turned into a bombed out war zone with up to a million refugees under the control of a “National Transitional Council” (NTC) which is in the process of turning Libya into a theocracy regulated by Islamic Sharia law.

Bel Hadj - Website for this image

The leadership and cadre of the NTC rebels are dominated by past and present members of designated terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda and the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG).

The council (has been) headed by a de facto triumvirate – holding executive/financial/military power:

Mahmoud Jibril – a university lecturer educated, and for several years resident, in the US and whose studies was mentored by a renowned CIA case officer working for CIA in Iran during the CIA/staged coup there in 1953.

An American economics professor by the name of Ali Tarhouni.

A senior Al-Qaeda asset/educator/leader previously operating in Afghanistan and Iraq but who currently acts under the name of Bel Hadj as the Commander in Chief for the NTC as well as military dictator of Tripoli.

On March 19, 2011, two days after the adoption of UN resolution 1973, this NTC/Al-Qaeda/LIFG rebel council announced the creation of a new central bank and a new oil company.

Starting a “revolution” with the creation of new central bank may be a possible “first” in world history and casts the long shadow of as yet unidentified international financial actors over the war against Libya.

Sirte Libya Destroyed

The war

The pretext and framework for the attack on Libya by Sweden and other countries was United Nations resolution 1973.

This resolution authorized a ban on flights and measures “to protect civilians and civilian populated areas” whilst excluding “a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory”.

The reality is that participants in the NATO-led war already at the outset was in violation of resolution 1973 and that the motive was not to protect civilians – but regime-change.

Testimony by former NATO military commander General Wesley Clarke confirms that as early as 2001, Pentagon was instructed to prepare for war against Libya – i.e. long before Libya was reported as a “problem” somehow in need of a “solution”.

Thus, the backdrop carries distinct echoes of colonialism, spiced with the general geostrategical redrawing of the entire Middle-East set in motion by the attacks in the US on September 11, 2001 and envisaged by the Project for the New American Century (PNAC).

The event that is said to have triggered NATO’s attack on Libya was the Libyan government’s own attempts to restore order and protect civilians in the Benghazi area, where an estimated one thousand jihadists (Al-Qaeda/LIFG) had stormed military storage facilities, and armed themselves and started to shoot up the neighbourhood.

Given the miniscule size and poor to non-existent training of this “rebel” contingent, the successful containment and disarmament of these rebels by the Libyan government should have been a foregone conclusion – had it not been for the intervention of French and subsequently US airpower on the side of these Al-Qaeda jihadists.

Since March 31, 2011, NATO has conducted 9658 air strike sorties, averaging 46-47 strike missions per day for 207 days.

When assessing the gravity of the war crimes reported here this massive air campaign needs to be contrasted against the realities on the ground.

Tripoli Breakwater

What are these realities?

Even before UN resolution 1973 Libya was reported to have no effective air force. Moreover, and in regional terms, Libya did not have much of a military to speak of in the first place.

For example, whereas neighbouring countries in the first decade of the 21st century escalated their military expenditures – Libya did the opposite.

In fact, Libya under Qaddafi, was a remarkably constructive factor in the region – being the founding father of the African Union.

Reported war casualties vary widely.

What is clear is that the involvement of the armed forces of Sweden and other countries not only changed the outcome of what would have been the orderly neutralization of a local fringe Al-Qaeda/LIFG flurry into a full-scale regime-change (for the worse) with a death toll, injured and refugees at a very different order of magnitude.

Some key-points:

The attack on Tripoli:

There are reports that the NTC/Al-Qaeda/LIFG ground assault on Tripoli July 20, 2011, was amphibious (supported by NATO ships) and planned , directed and led by NATO-officers, also on the ground.

The way in which the reportedly NATO-led rebels were at all able to progress through Tripoli was by NATO Apache attack helicopters strafing the streets to clear it of civilians.

The attack on Sirte: Coordinated with NATO’s massive bombing campaign against the city were the rebels cordoning off, of it – preventing civilians attempting to escape the carnage from leaving.

Why would the Swedish government, or any other government, for that matter, wish to prevent civilians from escaping an event that by observers have been likened with the town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War?

The level of popular support enjoyed by the Qaddafi government, as reflected by the resistance of the inhabitants of i.a. Tripoli and Sirte, indicates that the Libyan people in vast numbers view the Qaddafi government as the only legitimate government.

Genocide on black Libyans:

Numerous reports exists on the apparent rascist agenda of the NTC/Al-Qaeda/LIFG rebel as they seek out and kill black people.

Substantiated, as these reports are, the instigators of this as a generic policy in the war may not necessarily have been Al-Qaeda or the LIFG.

The role of NATO’s so-called Special Forces (SF) units:

There also exists high-profile testimonies of how Danish and French SF-units engaged in and set up a policy of publicly decapitating black libyans in order to terrorize the civilian population of Tripoli into submission under the capital’s newly installed military dictator Bel Hadj.

The destruction of the Great Man-Made River project:

NATO’s wholesale destruction of Lybia’s world-renowned Great Man-Made River project is a text-book example of crimes against international law.

Not only did NATO destroy the world’s most advanced water project – it also destroyed the factories capable of repairing this vital civilian infrastructure.

Use of inhumane weapons such as depleted uranium and cluster bombs:

Evidence points to the possibility of both cluster bombs and depleted uranium being used by NATO in Libya.

The foreign occupation force prohibited by UN resolution 1973 is in fact what the NATO-led war is all about, both tactically – with military ground force elements – and strategically – with the installation of a puppet terrorist-designated regime controlled by Anglo-American interests.

The offences

As a result of initiatives taken by members in the Swedish government, made possible by individuals in the Swedish parliament, and carried out by individuals in the Swedish military, the state of Sweden today shares responsibility for the transformation of the most humanitarian and successful state on the African continent into a third-world war zone run by a conglomerate of terrorist-designated rebels over which the agendas of Anglo-American intelligence and banking oligarchs cast their long shadow.

For more details on casualties, the destruction of civilian life, and civilian infrastructure brought by the military forces of Sweden and other countries, consider the Libya reports from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Given existing international agreements and the clear violations committed by the participants of NATO’s Unified Protector campaign, of the intent and boundaries set by UN Resolution 1973, it is evident that crimes falling i.a. under the following categories have been and are being committed:

War of aggression
Crimes against humanity

These crimes were not the result of mission-drift or mission-swings – but were pre-mediated for the purpose of imposing regime-change in Libya in violation of international law.

Given the international consensus of the designation of i.a. Al-Qaeda and LIFG as “terrorists” it is also evident that the following crimes have been and are being committed by the individuals reported here:

Failure to report on Terrorism
Support of Terrorism
Financing of Terrorism
Dates and Periods:

March 29, 2011 Cabinet Meeting
March 30, 2011 Start of Sweden’s military operation FL01
April 1, 2011 Parliament vote
June 9, 2011 Cabinet Meeting
June 17, 2011 Parliament vote
July 1, 2011 Start of Sweden’s military operation FL02
September 15, 2011 Cabinet Meeting
September 21, 2011 Parliament vote


Reported individuals from Sweden’s military establishment include the chain of command from Commander-in-chief Sverker Göransson down to all personnel part of the FL01/FL02/infoop operations .

This also includes any staff-members in Sweden involved in the planning, directing and execution of these operations, as well as possibly members of units such as Special Operations Group (SOG) and the parachute regiment at K3 and which may have been involved in the clandestine parts of the war against Libya in 2011 – including the atrocities reportedly committed by French and Danish SF units.


Swedish Prime Minister Reinfeldt (left)

The Government, Parliament and military forces of Sweden reported for war crimes in Libya

Source: High crimes [dot] org Click here to see the suspects..

November 4, 2011

The International Prosecution Chamber in Stockholm
Box 70296
107 22 Stockholm

Report on serious offences subject to public prosecution

The offences include violations of international law, genocide, terrorism, and financing of terrorism.

Boss of Sweden's military Sverker Goranson


Until March 2011 Libya was a sovereign secular state, ranked by the United Nations as a “High Human Development” country in a global context5 (HDI ranking 53 out 194, ahead of countries like Russia and Brazil) and the most advanced country on the continent of Africa.

As late as Jan 4, 2011 – just weeks before the war started – several UN members applauded Libya’s continued commitment to upholding human rights.

Today, seven months later, Libya has – as a result of decisions and actions by individuals i.a. within the Swedish government and Sweden’s military forces – been turned into a bombed out war zone with up to a million refugees under the control of a “National Transitional Council” (NTC) which is in the process of turning Libya into a theocracy regulated by Islamic Sharia law.

Bel Hadj - Website for this image

The leadership and cadre of the NTC rebels are dominated by past and present members of designated terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda and the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG).

The council (has been) headed by a de facto triumvirate – holding executive/financial/military power:

Mahmoud Jibril – a university lecturer educated, and for several years resident, in the US and whose studies was mentored by a renowned CIA case officer working for CIA in Iran during the CIA/staged coup there in 1953.

An American economics professor by the name of Ali Tarhouni.

A senior Al-Qaeda asset/educator/leader previously operating in Afghanistan and Iraq but who currently acts under the name of Bel Hadj as the Commander in Chief for the NTC as well as military dictator of Tripoli.

On March 19, 2011, two days after the adoption of UN resolution 1973, this NTC/Al-Qaeda/LIFG rebel council announced the creation of a new central bank and a new oil company.

Starting a “revolution” with the creation of new central bank may be a possible “first” in world history and casts the long shadow of as yet unidentified international financial actors over the war against Libya.

Sirte Libya Destroyed

The war

The pretext and framework for the attack on Libya by Sweden and other countries was United Nations resolution 1973.

This resolution authorized a ban on flights and measures “to protect civilians and civilian populated areas” whilst excluding “a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory”.

The reality is that participants in the NATO-led war already at the outset was in violation of resolution 1973 and that the motive was not to protect civilians – but regime-change.

Testimony by former NATO military commander General Wesley Clarke confirms that as early as 2001, Pentagon was instructed to prepare for war against Libya – i.e. long before Libya was reported as a “problem” somehow in need of a “solution”.

Thus, the backdrop carries distinct echoes of colonialism, spiced with the general geostrategical redrawing of the entire Middle-East set in motion by the attacks in the US on September 11, 2001 and envisaged by the Project for the New American Century (PNAC).

The event that is said to have triggered NATO’s attack on Libya was the Libyan government’s own attempts to restore order and protect civilians in the Benghazi area, where an estimated one thousand jihadists (Al-Qaeda/LIFG) had stormed military storage facilities, and armed themselves and started to shoot up the neighbourhood.

Given the miniscule size and poor to non-existent training of this “rebel” contingent, the successful containment and disarmament of these rebels by the Libyan government should have been a foregone conclusion – had it not been for the intervention of French and subsequently US airpower on the side of these Al-Qaeda jihadists.

Since March 31, 2011, NATO has conducted 9658 air strike sorties, averaging 46-47 strike missions per day for 207 days.

When assessing the gravity of the war crimes reported here this massive air campaign needs to be contrasted against the realities on the ground.

Tripoli Breakwater

What are these realities?

Even before UN resolution 1973 Libya was reported to have no effective air force. Moreover, and in regional terms, Libya did not have much of a military to speak of in the first place.

For example, whereas neighbouring countries in the first decade of the 21st century escalated their military expenditures – Libya did the opposite.

In fact, Libya under Qaddafi, was a remarkably constructive factor in the region – being the founding father of the African Union.

Reported war casualties vary widely.

What is clear is that the involvement of the armed forces of Sweden and other countries not only changed the outcome of what would have been the orderly neutralization of a local fringe Al-Qaeda/LIFG flurry into a full-scale regime-change (for the worse) with a death toll, injured and refugees at a very different order of magnitude.

Some key-points:

The attack on Tripoli:

There are reports that the NTC/Al-Qaeda/LIFG ground assault on Tripoli July 20, 2011, was amphibious (supported by NATO ships) and planned , directed and led by NATO-officers, also on the ground.

The way in which the reportedly NATO-led rebels were at all able to progress through Tripoli was by NATO Apache attack helicopters strafing the streets to clear it of civilians.

The attack on Sirte: Coordinated with NATO’s massive bombing campaign against the city were the rebels cordoning off, of it – preventing civilians attempting to escape the carnage from leaving.

Why would the Swedish government, or any other government, for that matter, wish to prevent civilians from escaping an event that by observers have been likened with the town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War?

The level of popular support enjoyed by the Qaddafi government, as reflected by the resistance of the inhabitants of i.a. Tripoli and Sirte, indicates that the Libyan people in vast numbers view the Qaddafi government as the only legitimate government.

Genocide on black Libyans:

Numerous reports exists on the apparent rascist agenda of the NTC/Al-Qaeda/LIFG rebel as they seek out and kill black people.

Substantiated, as these reports are, the instigators of this as a generic policy in the war may not necessarily have been Al-Qaeda or the LIFG.

The role of NATO’s so-called Special Forces (SF) units:

There also exists high-profile testimonies of how Danish and French SF-units engaged in and set up a policy of publicly decapitating black libyans in order to terrorize the civilian population of Tripoli into submission under the capital’s newly installed military dictator Bel Hadj.

The destruction of the Great Man-Made River project:

NATO’s wholesale destruction of Lybia’s world-renowned Great Man-Made River project is a text-book example of crimes against international law.

Not only did NATO destroy the world’s most advanced water project – it also destroyed the factories capable of repairing this vital civilian infrastructure.

Use of inhumane weapons such as depleted uranium and cluster bombs:

Evidence points to the possibility of both cluster bombs and depleted uranium being used by NATO in Libya.

The foreign occupation force prohibited by UN resolution 1973 is in fact what the NATO-led war is all about, both tactically – with military ground force elements – and strategically – with the installation of a puppet terrorist-designated regime controlled by Anglo-American interests.

The offences

As a result of initiatives taken by members in the Swedish government, made possible by individuals in the Swedish parliament, and carried out by individuals in the Swedish military, the state of Sweden today shares responsibility for the transformation of the most humanitarian and successful state on the African continent into a third-world war zone run by a conglomerate of terrorist-designated rebels over which the agendas of Anglo-American intelligence and banking oligarchs cast their long shadow.

For more details on casualties, the destruction of civilian life, and civilian infrastructure brought by the military forces of Sweden and other countries, consider the Libya reports from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Given existing international agreements and the clear violations committed by the participants of NATO’s Unified Protector campaign, of the intent and boundaries set by UN Resolution 1973, it is evident that crimes falling i.a. under the following categories have been and are being committed:

War of aggression
Crimes against humanity

These crimes were not the result of mission-drift or mission-swings – but were pre-mediated for the purpose of imposing regime-change in Libya in violation of international law.

Given the international consensus of the designation of i.a. Al-Qaeda and LIFG as “terrorists” it is also evident that the following crimes have been and are being committed by the individuals reported here:

Failure to report on Terrorism
Support of Terrorism
Financing of Terrorism
Dates and Periods:

March 29, 2011 Cabinet Meeting
March 30, 2011 Start of Sweden’s military operation FL01
April 1, 2011 Parliament vote
June 9, 2011 Cabinet Meeting
June 17, 2011 Parliament vote
July 1, 2011 Start of Sweden’s military operation FL02
September 15, 2011 Cabinet Meeting
September 21, 2011 Parliament vote


Reported individuals from Sweden’s military establishment include the chain of command from Commander-in-chief Sverker Göransson down to all personnel part of the FL01/FL02/infoop operations .

This also includes any staff-members in Sweden involved in the planning, directing and execution of these operations, as well as possibly members of units such as Special Operations Group (SOG) and the parachute regiment at K3 and which may have been involved in the clandestine parts of the war against Libya in 2011 – including the atrocities reportedly committed by French and Danish SF units.


Ali Tarhouni

Ali Tarhouni has been both the oil minister, and the acting prime-minister, in the new Libya.

He has now quit.

He says that the new government of Libya represents less than 10% of the Libyan population.

He says the new government is being propped up by foreign "money, arms and PR."

Tarhouni lashes Libyan leaders

The new government of Libya is run by the CIA.

It is unpopular.

It contains no representatives of the Berbers (Amazigh), Touareg, Tebou or any 'black' or non-Arab Libyans.

In other words, it only has representatives from one third of the population.


Libya's Berbers have warned of a campaign against the Libyan government

Some of the new government have arrived from abroad; some hold foreign passports.

Libya is now a dictatorship which has at various points been run by:

1. Mahmoud Jibril, who is linked to the CIA.

At his university in the USA, Jibril was looked after by a CIA officer, who had been involved in the 1953 CIA coup in Iran.

Mahmoud Jibril with his minders - Bernard-Henri-Levy, Nicolas Sarkozy and David Cameron

2. Belhadj, who worked for the CIA in Aghanistan and Iraq.

He is al Qaeda.


3. Abdurrahim El-Keib, who is an American.

He is now Prime Minister.


4. Ali Tarhouni from the University of Washington.

Libya's new CIA government is now sending weapons to Syria's rebels, in the hope that Assad can be replaced by CIA assets. (Libya Sending Arms to Syrian Rebels, Arab League Imposes Sanctions)


Kalasha girl
Pakistan by bag_lady (away)

For many years now, the USA has been trying to break up Pakistan.

Pakistan's only hope of survival may be to kick out the CIA, and form a close alliance with China.

In November 2011: "Pakistan and China are staging joint military exercises, showcasing their relationship as Islamabad's ties with Washington suffer. The war games that began Monday follow remarks by Pakistani officials suggesting that China could step into the economic, military and diplomatic void if Pakistan's relationship with the United States collapsed."

Pakistan has been cracking down on the CIA.

Each time Pakistan cracks down on the CIA, there is an act of revenge by the USA.

Rimsha The Riverchild. (Explored).
Pakistan by Commoner28th (Commemorating 150 years of Railways

On 26 November 2011, NATO murdered at least 26 Pakistani soldiers

In retaliation, Pakistan "has now given the US 15 days to leave the Shamsi airfield, used by the CIA.

"It also announced that NATO supply routes into Afghanistan will be shut down."

Little Shepherd
Pakistan by (s@jj@d)~`~DiL~AwAiZ~`~

November 2011: A recent 'CIA-NATO plot' involved Pakistani-American tycoon Mansoor Ijaz.

He delivered a memo to Admiral Mike Mullen’s office, allegedly on the instructions of Pakistani Ambassador Husain Haqqani.

In exchange for US help, according to the memo, President Zardari offered to turn over 'rogue military elements' suspected of harbouring 'terrorists'.

The 'plot', when revealed in the Financial Times, was presumably intended to 'divide and rule'.

Lovely Childhood
Pakistan by Oaun kazmi{(SPIN)}

Some History:

September 2008: Bomb at the Marriott hotel in Islamabad

February 2009: Attack on cricket players in Lahore

February 2010: Three American soldiers, wearing disguises, killed in Pakistan

30 Sept 2010: Nato helicopters kill two Pakistani soldiers, prompting nearly two-week border closure in protest

January 2011: Umar Patek was arrested by Pakistani forces in Abbottabad. Umar Patek, an Indonesian, was reportedly an asset of the CIA.

January 2011: The CIA's Raymond Davis killed two officers of Pakistan intelligence.

22 April 2011: Supplies to Nato forces in Afghanistan halted for three days in protest over drone attacks

23 April 2011: A US predator drone strike killed 25 people including at least five children and four women.

2 May 2011:
Reported battle between US and Pakistan forces at Abbottabad, after apparent Pakistan raid on CIA house in Abbottabad.

US invents 'Bin Laden's death' and says Pakistan not warned of raid. 'OSAMA HOUSE' BUILT BY 'CIA FRIEND' DAWOOD ...


2 June 2011: Top US military chief Adm Mike Mullen admits "significant" cut in US troops in Pakistan

10 July 2011: US suspends $800m of military aid

In September 2008, there was a bomb attack on the Marriott hotel in Islamabad.

There were GOVERNMENT number plates on the the explosives-laden truck which hit the Marriott hotel in Islamabad. (62 die as suicide bomber strikes Pakistani luxury hotel (Roundup)

On 22 September 2008, the BBC reported that:

1. a Pakistan government spokesman claimed that the prime minister and other top people were planning to have dinner at the Marriott at the time the bomb went off, but cancelled the booking at the last moment.

2. The Marriott Hotel's owner says this is not true and that there was no booking.

Did elements of the Pakistan government work with the CIA and its friends to carry out the bombing, so as to support the case for Pakistan government cooperation with the Pentagon?


Rehman Malik was the effective Interior Minister of Pakistan.

Pakistan Daily writes of 'the bizarre, abortive handover of the ISI (spy agency) to Rehman Malik'. (You Can’t Be On The Wrong Side Of Pakistan Mr Asif Ali Zardari)

Benazir Bhutto appointed Rehman Malik as chief of Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency (FIA)

According to the article on Rehman Malik at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :

The Pakistani military was dismayed by reports of FIA contacts with the Israeli secret service, the Mossad, which had been cooperating with Indian secret service RAW.

According to the Pakistani Spectator, 11 May 2008, (Rehman Malik Runs Zardari and PPP The Pakistani Spectator):

"Rehman Malik ... helped Zardari a lot to launder ... looted money and invest and secure it at different places in the world... He does what he is told to do by the masters in Washington."

Pakistan, Peshawar
Pakistan by mountaintrekker2001

In The Pakistan Spectator, 21 September 2008, Ali Yar Khan asks What Was Going on in the Marriott Hotel?

He makes the following points:

1. After the blast, a mysterious fire started on the fourth and fifth floors. It was said that this fire was the result of a gas pipeline burst.

2. Allegedly, the fifth and fourth floors of the hotel were housing mysterious steel boxes under the guard of United States marines. Allegedly, these boxes were moved into the hotel when Admiral Mike Mullen met Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and others in Islamabad.

The boxes may have contained explosives?

(In 2003, a bomb hit the Marriott hotel in Jakarta. A number of poor Moslems were killed. "Something interesting happened just hours before the explosion shocked the JW Marriott Hotel, Mega Kuningan, South Jakarta. The US Embassy cancelled the booking of 10-20 rooms in that hotel." -Prison Do You Have the Knowledge to Escape?)

It was reported that several senior officers of the CIA were in Islamabad, on a visit, at the time of the explosion. (Islamabad blast)

Happy girl
Pakistan by damonlynch

According to Dawn, 21 September 2008, "Well-equipped security officers from the US embassy were seen on the spot soon after the explosions. However, they left the scene shortly afterwards." (Terror tears through capital)

Muhammad Azam, a Marriott security personal, told The Post that he was standing across the road when a big brown truck appeared. "I saw him (the truck driver) getting out of the truck, taking position and firing two rockets at the hotel." (Front & Back Page News Updates)

The explosion created a crater at least 25 ft deep and 30 ft wide, and totally destroyed the road in front of the building. (1000 kg explosives used in Pak blast) .

The bombers may not have intended to destroy the hotel. But, reportedly, gas lines running to the hotel’s kitchen exploded and started a fire that damaged about two thirds of the hotel. Police sources said the dead include three South Koreans, two Saudis and at least one American. (62 die as suicide bomber strikes Pakistani luxury hotel (Roundup)

Some officials said the intended destination of the truck with the bomb might have been the prime minister’s house. The Marriott is one kilometer distant from Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani’s house where President Asif Ali Zardari, army chief General Ashfar Parvez Kayani and over 300 MPs were at an Iftar dinner. (62 die as suicide bomber strikes Pakistani luxury hotel (Roundup)

However, Kiyani has been trained in the USA. And Zardari is reportedly a friend of the neocons.

One report suggests that the American neocons toppled Mussharraf and put Zardari into power.

In the Guardian, 7 September 2008, Tariq Ali wrote that "a hardcore neocon faction led by Zalmay Khalilzad, the US ambassador to the Security Council, was busy advising Asif Zardari in secret and helping him plan the campaign to oust the general (Musharraf)." Asif Ali Zardari: the godfather as president

Attack on a bus carrying a cricket team in Pakistan.

On 3 February 2009, in the Pakistani city of Lahore, gunmen killed at least five Pakistan policemen and wounded up to six Sri Lankan cricket players. Cricketers wounded in Lahore attack / Sri Lankan cricketers injured in deadly gun attack in Pakistan .

The attackers, reportedly armed with Kalashnikovs, rocket launchers and hand grenades, targeted the Sri Lankan team's bus.

Habibur Rehman, Lahore's chief of police, said there were about 12 attackers, who "appeared to be well-trained." They appeared to have had formal combat training.

Video seen on news channels showed the cricket team's white van with its front window shattered. Pakistan TV showed footage of gunmen with rifles and backpacks running through the streets and firing on unidentified vehicles.

Northern Pakistan in 2007. Source Flickr. Author Steve Evans from India and USA

At least 12 American soldiers have been killed in Pakistan in recent years.

On 3 February 2010 three American Special Operations soldiers were killed in Lower Dir, in Pakistan. (Soldiers' Deaths in Pakistan Raise Questions on US Presence)

The three American soldiers were wearing disguises.

They were dressed in Pakistani baggy trousers and long tunics, according to a Pakistani officer.
(Soldiers' Deaths in Pakistan Raise Questions on US Presence)

Reports from Pakistani security officials said the soldiers were killed by an explosive device.

Next the explosion site is a school.

Most of the 131 people who were wounded were girls who were pupils at the school.

Three of the Pakistanis who were killed were schoolgirls.

The soldiers were reportedly en route to the opening of the girls' school.

Why might American special forces, wearing disguises, want to visit a school in a volatile area?

Would it not have been better for Pakistanis to be involved in the opening of the school?

According to a 'Taliban' spokesman: "The Americans killed were members of the Blackwater group.

"We know they are responsible for bomb blasts in Peshawar and other Pakistani cities." (Blackwater-type US security contractor in NWFP: Bilour)

Capt. Jack Hanzlik, a spokesman for the United States Central Command in Tampa, Florida, said 12 other American soldiers had been killed in Pakistan since 11September 2001. (Soldiers' Deaths in Pakistan Raise Questions on US Presence)


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