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Anonymous writes:

It turns out Greece controls a large offshore sea bottom area that potentially has huge hydrocarbon deposits.

The banksters have known about this for decades. The banksters want control of the hydrocarbons. 

What to do?

Bankrupt Greece then make agreements to get control of the petroleum, as described by John Perkins in his book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. These abiotic supplies of hydrocarbons are primarily south of Crete in a geological formation known as the Mediterrean accretionary ridge complex. It is a similar geological complex to the Middle East's Persian Gulf region except entirely under the Mediterrean Sea.

Here is a news piece:

Is Greek Debt Crisis a Ruse to Steal Hellenic Oil Field?

Here is a forum post which explains the potential for hydrocarbons South of Crete:

The potential hydrocarbon deposits would supply Europe for decades and make Greece the Saudi Arabia of Europe (rich, independent, and able to "call the shots").

Obviously, the Globalists don't want that to happen.

Control of petroleum is a key aspect of the Globalist designs for world control. Globalists do not want the general publics of the world to know petroleum is abiotic, not a "fossil" that is limited and finite.

Abiotic oil does not mean oil forever, but does extend the supplies of hydrocarbons by decades (nobody knows how long, but still substantially longer than "fossil" theory would predict).

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