In 1975, Senator Frank Church said:
"I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America..."
There is a hidden government known as the 'Deep State'.
Tyrannical elites and 'deep states' have existed for thousands of years.
The Guy Fawkes plot of 1605 provides one example (GUY FAWKES - INSIDE JOB)
From "FAKE TERROR - What Really Happened" we learn of another example:
"Spartacus had no intention of marching on Rome.... Sailing away was the last thing Crassus wanted Spartacus to do. He needed a convenient enemy with which to terrorize Rome itself for his personal political gain.
"So Crassus bribed the mercenary fleet to sail without Spartacus, then positioned two Roman legions in such a way that Spartacus had no choice but to march on Rome.
"Terrified of the impending arrival of the much-feared army of gladiators, Rome declared Crassus Praetor. Crassus then crushed Spartacus' army and ... Crassus was elected Consul of Rome the following year."
On 5 January 2012, at Voltaire Network, Peter Dale Scott, scholar and former diplomat, wrote 'The Doomsday Project and Deep Events: JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11',
According to Peter Dale Scott:
1. The Pentagon has its Doomsday Project, the emergency planning for a major crisis.
The Doomsday Project has been a factor behind:
A. The increasing separation of America into two classes, the one percent and the 99 percent.
B. America's increasing militarization and America's wars.
C. Deep events, like the JFK assassination or 9/11, which are the work of a 'dark force'.
2. Producing the huge gap between rich and poor is deliberate political policy.
In the 1960s and 1970s, the rich elite were worried about losing their power.
In 1971, future Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell wanted a well-financed response to threats from 'the left'.
Website for this image
3. In October 1963, an FBI agent, Marvin Gheesling, removed Oswald from the FBI watch list for surveillance.
At the same time, the CIA withheld from the FBI information that Oswald had allegedly met in Mexico City with a suspected KGB agent, Valeriy Kostikov.
In 1963 Army Intelligence manufactured false intelligence about Oswald that seemed designed to provoke retaliation against Cuba.
The 'intelligence' concerned allegations that Oswald had defected to Cuba in 1959, that Oswald was a member of the Comminist Party, that Oswald's rifle in Dallas was one he had owned in Russia.
The Joint Chiefs in 1963, still believed 'that US military intervention in Cuba is necessary.'
The Joint Chiefs of Staff produced 'fabricated provocations to justify military intervention.'
One false flag plan involved 'using MIG type aircraft flown by US pilots to … attack surface shipping or to attack US military.'
4. Before 9/11 the CIA, in 2000-2001, withheld crucial evidence from the FBI.
This led to the FBI not keeping an eye on two of the alleged hijackers, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaz al-Hazmi.
The NSA also withheld evidence from the FBI.
Peter Dale Scott wrote, in American War Machine, that it would appear that
"Oswald (and later al-Mihdhar) had at some prior point been selected as designated subjects for an operation."
5. The Tonkin Gulf is similar to the Kennedy assassination and 9/11, in that manipulation of evidence helped lead America into war.
Historians such as Fredrik Logevall have agreed with the assessment of former undersecretary of state George Ball that the US destroyer mission in the Tonkin Gulf, which resulted in the Tonkin Gulf incidents, 'was primarily for provocation.'
TERRORISM 1910 - 2010
9 11,
Deep State,
Guy Fawkes,
Peter Dale Scott,
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