What if England did go it alone? MI6 Online
Leading friend of the London establishment Andrew Woberts says England is begging to keep Scotland as part of the UK.
A bankrupt economy, no more North Sea oil revenues...
By Andrew Woberts
If Scotland becomes independent:
1. The first problem the Prime Minister of England would face could be a weakening of the English economy.
2. The Scottish currency, like the currencies of Switzerland and Norway, would be strong.
The last set of figures from the statisticians show that for 2008-9, Scotland provided more in revenue to the London government than was spent in Scotland.
3. Scotland would keep out of NATO and its wars.
4. Scotland would be non-nuclear country, just like Switzerland.
5. Scotland's tourist industry would be boosted.
The two main political parties in Scotland are Labour and the Scottish National Party. fronta.cz/propaganda/fasisticka-italie propaganda-plakaty-letaky-druha-svetova-valka
There are 90 million people of Scottish origin in this world.
Scots are much sought after as managers in large international companies worldwide.
There are some Scots who are not wise leaders and they tend to end up associated with the Labour Party, which for many years ran Scotland on behalf of their London masters.
Young girl wearing Norwegian national costume. Photographed in Asker, Akershus, Norway. Posted to Flickr as siri 9. Author Elin
Norway's sovereign wealth fund is Europe's biggest equity investor.
Norway has saved $430 billion for the future.
Norway has invested heavily in infrastructure.
Finland is even richer than Norway and it does not have oil.
Finland produces mega-liners and modern technology.
Both Norway and Finland are small independent countries.
The Labour Party is the party of the rich oligarchs. Image from: 2012 Olympic Games +++Updated+++
Scotland should be as rich as Norway and Finland, but it is not.
Scotland still has vast oil wealth; Scotland has about 25% of Europe's renewable energy resources; Scotland has a history of producing great inventions.
Scotland is 'poor', because many of its people vote for the Labour party, the party of war and poverty.
Labour failed to control the corrupt bankers.
Labour wasted billions on wars.
Labour wants to waste £100 billion on a replacement for Trident.
Labour took Scotland's wealth and spent it in the South East of England on motorways, railways, the underground, airports and other projects.
In January 2010, a report by the UK government's National Equality Panel pointed out that the gulf between rich and poor in the UK grew wider under the Labour Party than at any time since the Second World War.
The report says that inequality in Britain is among the worst in the developed world, with the highest rate of poverty in western Europe.
On average, children born in the poorest areas will die 13 years before those in the richest.
The richest 10 per cent of families have assets worth an average £853,000 - almost 100 times the £8,800 average wealth of the poorest 10 per cent. (Gulf between rich and poor grown under Labour and now widest since WWII - Daily Mail )
Margaret Thatcher was kept afloat by Scotland's oil.
James Callaghan was saved by Scotland's oil.
Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have survived thanks to Scotland's oil.
Who benefits from Scotland's oil?
Not the people of the Calton area of Glasgow where the average life expectancy of a male is just 53.9 years.
This is lower than in most Third World countries. (In Iraq, life expectancy is 67. Minutes from Glasgow city centre ...)
It's Scotland's oil. And more than half the oil is still to come.
The Scottish media, controlled one suspects by the London spooks, have produced a deluge of dishonest stories attacking the Scottish National Party.
Scotland gets less public spending per head than London and many other regions of England.
Tax revenues from Scotland more or less match the country's public spending, if all North Sea oil and gas revenues are taken into account. (Research, published by the Glasgow Herald, based on Treasury figures in Whitehall, an analysis by consultants Oxford Economics and the newspaper's own calculations.)
Something called the GERS report "demonstrates that Scotland recorded a current budget surplus over the three years to 2007/08 of £2.3 billion, while the UK ran up a deficit of £24 billion over the same period." (Falklands could benefit from own oil)
subrosa-blonde.blogspot/ reminds us that Scotland's Oil Isn't Running Out
Servers at the Tilted Kilt. http://www.flickr.com/photos/27045606@N06/2711662696/
Author Andorra Photography
UK civil servants calculated that North Sea oil could boost incomes in an independent Scotland by up to 30%.
This is according to government records made public, 0n 28 September 2009, at the National Archives of Scotland in Edinburgh.
Oil ownership would boost income by 30% / Documents reveal that oil could mean an independent Scotland
The Scottish National Party's Brian Adam commented: "Scotland’s oil industry has a bright future with an estimated 30 billion barrels of oil still to be extracted, new technology developing and a central role in the global oil industry.
"There is as much oil left in the North Sea as has been taken out of it – and much more than half of the revenues.
"Scotland’s oil industry has a positive future.
"With the UK making £250 billion of revenue from North Sea oil over the last 30 years in real terms, it is now time to ensure that future revenues are invested properly for Scotland’s future."
Labour has ensured that Scotland is 'poor'.
Ramsay MacDonald (1866 – 1937) was the typical Scottish Labour politician.
Macdonald married Margaret Gladstone, a lady of wealth.
With Ramsay MacDonald's first government there was little in the way of 'change'.
The government supported bosses against their workers.
One of the government's first acts was to use of troops against an engine drivers' strike.
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