
"In tribal societies ... telepathy is accepted as a human faculty." (Telepathy)

Animals are believed to have psychic powers like Telepathy and Premonition.

"The commonest kinds of seemingly telepathic response are the anticipation by dogs and cats of their owners coming home;

"the anticipation of owners going away;

"the anticipation of being fed;

"cats disappearing when their owners intend to take them to the vet;

"dogs knowing when their owners are planning to take them for a walk;

"and animals that get excited when their owner is on the telephone, even before the telephone has been answered."

Website for this image

Dr Rupert Sheldrake has written a new book called The Science Delusion: Freeing The Spirit Of Enquiry

Dr Sheldrake is a biologist who has taught at both Cambridge and Harvard.

According to Dr Sheldrake's book:

1. During World War II, Mona Miller and her young kids were evacuated from London to the seaside town of Babbacombe in Devon.

But, soon after her arrival in Devon, Mona Miller "had a feeling" that she must leave Devon and return to London.

Mona says: "At first I dismissed the idea... But the feeling increased.

"The walls of my room seemed to speak to me: 'Go home to London.'

"I resisted the call for about four months then, one day, like a flash of light, I knew we must leave.

"On a Saturday in late 1942, we travelled back to London and a few days later I received a letter from a friend in Devon."

The friend in Devon wrote: "Thank God you took the children on Saturday.

"Early Sunday morning, Jerry dropped three bombs and one fell on the house where you were living, demolishing it, and killing all the neighbours on either side."


2. In 1945, Charles Bernuth, an American soldier, was driving along the autobahn one night.

He claims that a 'voice' within him warned of a danger ahead.

"I stopped.... I started walking along the road.

"About 50 yards from where I had left the jeep, I found out what was wrong.

"We were about to go over a bridge - only the bridge wasn't there. It had been blown up and there was a sheer drop of about 75ft."

Rovinj, Yugoslavia

3. In the 1970s, 16-year-old Carole Davies visited an amusement arcade in London.

She says: "While standing looking out into the night, I had a sense of danger.

"Then I saw what looked like a picture in front of me showing people on the floor with tiles and metal girders on them. I realised that this was to happen here.

"I began to shout at people to get out. No one listened."

Carole and her friends moved to a nearby cafe.

Shortly after, the roof and walls of the arcade came crashing down.

According to Carole: "We all ran down the road to see what had happened.

"It was just as I had seen. A man I had shouted at was being pulled from under the debris."


4. Sir Rudolph Peters tells of an ophthalmologist treated a severely disabled and mentally retarded young boy.

The boy was almost blind.

Yet the boy, when his mother was present, was able to read the letters on the optician's chart.

In 1968, Sir Rudolph conducted an experiment.

The boy correctly identified many of the written numbers or words shown to his mother.

Mother and son were sitting on either side of a screen.

5. Many women have reported that during the months they were breastfeeding, they'd know when their baby needed them, even from miles away, because they began secreting breast milk.

Venice, before the exodus of its poorer citizens.

6. Fields exist both within and outside magnets and mobile phones.

Our minds may have similar fields, extend beyond our bodies.

7. People often sense that someone behind them is looking at them.

When they have turned around and they have met the person's eyes.

Most people have experienced making someone turn around by staring at them.

In surveys, between 70 and 97 per cent of people reported such experiences.

Read more:


During the cold war the US discovered that the Soviet Union was investing approximately 60 million rubles a year into psychic research.

(Telepathy: From Paranormal to Normal? Quantumatters)

"In 1972, the CIA began to research telepathy for the purpose of psychic warfare and invested significant resources during the next 20 years to finance project Stargate which included hundreds of “remote viewing” intelligence gathering projects.

"One of the most successful remote viewers, Ingo Swan, stated that 'between 1969 and 1971, American intelligence sources began discovering and confirming that the Soviet Union was deeply engaged in so-called psychic research'.

"The London Daily Express actually published an article on the 25th September 1977 with the headline 'Reds Planned Psyco-Wars'.

"The US developed serious concerns that the Soviets were using telepathic capability to identify the location of American submarines and strategic military installations.

"One of Stargate’s projects involved an attempt to locate Colonel Gadhafi just before the 1986 bombing of Libya, but Gadhafi was not ultimately injured.

"Another psychic assignment revealed the location of Brigadier General James L. Dozier who had been kidnapped in 1981 by the communist Red Brigades in Italy.

"Remote viewers correctly identified that Dozier was being held captive in Padua, Italy."

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