Doctor Ron Paul - Caleb O'Connor painting (Caleb O'Connor : Fine Artist.)

On 31 December 2011, The Economist, read by top people worldwide, mentions Ron Paul.

Among the Directors of The Economist are Sir David Bell, a trustee of Common Purpose, and Lynn Forester de Rothschild.

The Economist's opposition to Ron Paul suggests that Ron Paul must be one of the good guys?

Ron Paul and wife

According to The Economist (The Republicans Into Iowa):

"The best organised campaign, by all accounts, is that of Mr Paul...

"His unstinting advocacy of much smaller government and sounder money goes down well with local Republicans.

"His calls for an end to foreign entanglements and the legalisation of drugs are popular with the young.

Ron Paul

"At an event on the campus of the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, throngs of giddy students leap to their feet when he appears and drown out most of his rambling stump speech with rapturous applause...

"But his isolationist foreign policy makes many Republicans wary.

"It puts off evangelicals in particular, according to Steve Deace, a prominent Christian radio host, for fear that it might undermine Israel’s special place in God’s scheme."

According to The Economist, recent polls show Obama an average of two points ahead of Mitt Romney, eight points ahead Ron Paul and nine points ahead of Newt Gingrich.

Book signing

The columnist 'Lexington' has written about 'Ron Paul's big moment' (in The Economist)

According to Lexington:

Ron Paul, the 76-year-old libertarian from Texas, has "a worldview so wacky and a programme so radical that he was recently discounted as a no-hoper.

"Even if he wins in quirky Iowa, Ron Paul will never be America’s president.

"But .... a substantial number like a man who wants to abolish the Federal Reserve, introduce a new currency to compete with the dollar, eliminate five departments of the federal government within a year, pull out of the United Nations and close all America’s foreign bases, which he likens to 'an empire'...

"During the candidates' debates of 2011, Mr Paul won plaudits for integrity...

"Mr Paul insists on the rule of law and civil liberties and due process for all...

"Mr Paul has no great love for the Jewish state, even though this hurts him with the evangelical voters of Iowa.

"He opposed the Iraq war from the start and wants America to shun expensive foreign entanglements that make the rest of the world resent it...

Ron Paul

"Born in 1935, he remembers the tail-end of the Depression..."

He has "a preoccupation with the money supply and a lifelong conviction that governments must be prevented from debasing the currency.

"Not all of Mr Paul’s positions are unpopular. Like other conservatives, he defends the God-given right to keep and bear arms... He is pro-life, which he believes begins at conception. He champions home-schooling.

"But only he combines a general dislike of the overweening federal government with a particular, obsessive hatred of what he considers the corrupt system of money at its secret heart..."

He "has come to see the operations of the Fed - indeed the entire banking system, with its reliance on paper money no longer backed by gold - as a dangerous confidence trick.

"The Fed has 'ominous powers that Congress barely understands,' he says. 'Trillions of dollars can be created and injected into the economy with no obligation by the Fed to reveal who benefits.'

"Though ending the Fed would take time, this is his panacea: it would end dollar depreciation, remove America’s ability to fund endless wars and stop the growth of government...

"He has served a dozen terms in the House of Representatives, failing to find allies for his radical measures.

"He cannot expect actually to win the nomination, let alone become president.

"His real aim appears to be didactic: he wants the widest possible hearing for his ideas...

"Though the nomination may be out of his reach, he has dedicated supporters and the ability to raise lots of money through small donations.

"That could ... perhaps give him enough delegates to shape August’s nominating convention in Tampa.

"Or he could run as a third-party candidate.

"But that would help Barack Obama...

"It is true that in recent years Mr Paul has stuck to his core principles: sound money, small government, individual liberty and bringing the troops home...

"In the end, Mr Paul’s obsession with the Fed is an anti-government conspiracy theory.

"And in America, anti-government conspiracy theories attract a lot of wingnuts..."

Photo by Jason Bell - Official Website

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