On 20 December 2011, in her Washington Post blog, Jennifer Rubin asks What if Ron Paul wins Iowa?

Ron Paul is now ahead in the polls.

Jennifer Rubin lists her reasons for not liking Ron Paul:

1. Ron Paul has criticised Israel.

2. Ron Paul has suggested a possible Mossad link to the 1993 World Trade Center attack.

3. Ron Paul has written about the "tens of thousands of well-placed friends of Israel in all countries who are willing to work for the Mossad."

If Ron Paul should win, Jennifer Rubin believes:

(1) "Iowa caucus goers will rightly be the target of widespread anger and disdain..."

(2) "Iowa will make the contest and the people who participated in it the laughingstock of the country."

In 1982, in IOWA, 12 year old Johnny Gosch was kidnapped, while he was doing his newspaper deliveries.

Noreen Gosch wrote ('Why Johnny Can't Come Home'a): "It was reported to me and given in Federal Court, February 1999, by Paul Bonacci, that 'Michael Aquino ... called the Colonel' was in fact the man who came to Iowa, paid the kidnappers for taking Johnny, then took Johnny with him.

"This took place 14 days after the kidnapping.

"Bonacci stated this under oath in Federal Court.

"Judge Urbom ruled Bonacci was telling the truth."

Cathy O'Brien wrote (Sex, Lies, and Mind Control by Cathy O'Brien ): "One of our primary mind control programmers was Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino.

"He was with the psychological warfare division of the US Army and founder of the occult 'Temple of Set' that is proliferating on our military bases under the guise of a religion.

"He doesn't have any religious beliefs that I ever saw, but he used occultism as a trauma base for mind control.

"The only Satanic power that I ever experienced by Aquino was in the form of a stun gun.

"The high voltage that he administered to both my daughter and I, compartmentalized memories of programs for later access by certain government leaders and ClA-sanctioned drug lords that had the codes, keys and triggers to that program."

"What is Ron Paul's solution - 'sound money' rather than 'paper money' - in other words a deflationary gold standard that changes control of the money supply from the Fed directly to the Rothschild gold monopoly." (Ron Paul The Deceiver - Out Of The Closet)

"Ron Paul is an unofficial member of the John Birch Society, which was founded by masons, funded by Nelson Rockefeller and run by Jesuit-trained Knights of Malta.

"In other words, the JBS is a gatekeeper organization, designed to control the opposition and make sure nothing substantial is ever done to impede the New World Order system which just keeps on rolling over humanity."

Ron Paul and Freemasonry Aftermath News

Reaganomics was about helping the rich elite.

Ron Paul supported Ronald Reagan.

Ronald Reagan was a bad guy.

Ron Paul must be a bad guy?

In the USA the Republicans still think that tax cuts for the rich and deregulation will solve America's economic problems. (Republicans Plot Tax Cuts And Deregulation For 2011 ...)

In the 1960s and 1970s:

There was widespread regulation of the economy and there were high taxes for the rich.

The world economy grew at about 3%, in per capita terms, each year.

From the 1980s onwards:

There was less regulation of the economy and there were lower taxes on the rich.

The world economy grew at about 1.5%, in per capita terms, each year.

What about Ronald Reagan and the US economy?

According to John Miller, teacher of economics at Wheaton College (Ronald Reagan's Legacy):

"The economy grew much more slowly in the 1980s than during the 1960s, more slowly than the postwar average of 3.6% annual growth, and no faster than in the 1970s or the 1990s.

"Nor did Reagan administration regulatory rollbacks unleash a productivity boom.

"Productivity gains in the 1980s failed to match those in the decades before and after, and couldn't hold a candle to the productivity gains of the 1960s boom...

" Reagan administration economic policies did not result in a 1960s-style prosperity, when workers' real wages went up in tandem with the value of stock holdings-just the opposite.

"Since 1980, the gains from U.S. economic growth have gone overwhelmingly to the well-to-do, and economic inequality has steadily worsened."

30 Statistics That Prove The Elite Are Getting Richer, The Poor Are Getting Poorer And The Middle Class Is Being Destroyed

Girls in Afghanistan in the 1960s, before the CIA started building up the extremist Moslems. Photo from O'Bannon article

In 1978, the government in Afghanistan was peaceful, moderate, progressive and non-communist.

The US government wanted control of Afghanistan.

The CIA decided to finance some extremist Moslems and put them into power in Afghanistan.

The CIA sets up and finances the extremist Moslem groups. Above, Ronald Reagan meets Afghan Mujahideen Commanders at the White House in 1983 (Reagan Archives)

Ronald Reagan means CIA support for Islamist extremists.

Ronald Reagan means Iran-Contra.

A column by Drew Pearson in the New York Post, 1967, reported that:

'a homosexual ring' operated out of Governor Reagan’s office for six months 'with his full knowledge' and that the governor 'did not act until pressured by aides into firing the men'.

Pearson alleged that Art Van Court, Reagan’s bodyguard, had a tape recording ‘of a (homosexual) sex orgy which had taken place at a cabin near Lake Tahoe, leased by two members of Reagan’s staff.’

The following paragraph is from:

"The first organized and visible gay presence at a Republican National Convention occurred in 1984, when Ronald Reagan became his party's nominee for a second term.

"However, this presence did not prevent a conservative faction of the GOP from trying, but failing, to oust the newly formed Log Cabin Club, a gay Republican group, from the party in 1987.

"The effort to oust the Log Cabin Club may have failed because of Reagan's ties to the group."


An 1989 Washington Times investigative report by Paul M. Rodriguez and George Archibald revealed that:

A Washington, D.C. boy prostitution ring was under investigation.

The ring numbered among its clients high officials of the Reagan administration.

(“Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush: ‘Call boys’ took midnight tour of White House,” June 29, 1989.)

“The investigation is said to be focused on illegal interstate prostitution, abduction and use of minors for sexual perversion, extortion, larceny and related illicit drug trafficking and use by prostitutes and their clients.”

Reportedly, one former top-level Pentagon officer said that for eight years, military and civilian intelligence authorities were concerned that 'a nest of homosexuals at top levels of the Reagan administration may have been penetrated by Soviet-backed espionage agents posing as male prostitutes.'

Reportedly, lobbyist Craig Spence conducted a 1 a.m tour of the Reagan White House on July 3, 1988 for six friends, including two homosexual call boys.


The following is from the above site:

Reagan knew many homosexuals in Hollywood and considered several of them close, personal friends... Marc Christian, the homosexual partner of the late Rock Hudson, wrote:

"The notion that a Ronald Reagan was a homophobe strikes me as silly beyond belief.

"Not only did he have several gay men on his staff when he was Governor of California, he called my lover, Rock Hudson, when he was on his deathbed just weeks before he died of AIDS and wished him well and voiced his and Nancy’s concern and prayers.

"The Reagans had known Rock for years and knew he was gay (as did most of Hollywood). …The point is, Reagan could have ignored Rock’s illness and didn’t.”

Ron Paul "believes the United States should shed its role as the world’s policeman and focus instead on its internal economic problems.

"Representative Ron Paul of Texas says he would cut a trillion dollars out of the federal budget his first year as president, in part by ending all foreign wars and foreign aid, including to Israel."

Ron Paul's foreign policy views draw support.

We have previously pointed out that Ron Paul was once a fan of Ronald Reagan.

'Michael'', in a comment on this blog, points out that Ron Paul has criticised Ronald Reagan:

Flashback 1987: Ron Paul Trashes Ronald Reagan Pensito Review

Letter written by Ron Paul:

"President Reagan... failed to exercise his constitutional responsibility to veto spending.

"Instead, he has encouraged it...

"America will suffer from a Reaganomics that is nothing but warmed-over Keynesianism...

"Reagan ... reneged ... on his pledge to abolish the Departments of Education and Energy, or to work against abortion...

"Knowing this administration’s record, I wasn’t surprised by its Libyan disinformation campaign, Israeli-Iranian arms-for-hostages swap, or illegal funding of the Contras."

Ron Paul's mentor Murray Rothbard on "the myth of criminal Reagan being conservative."

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