"The ongoing 'women are oppressed in certain countries' psyop continues mad apace." - PROP-A-GENDER
"Green Resistance has expelled NTC fighters from Bani Walid... Green Intelligence ground team has transmitted information about the large movement and presence of NATO soldiers in Bab Aziziyah and the port of Tripoli." - Libyan Liberation Front News - 22.12.2011.]
Barack Obama sold crack for gay sex
"Woodrow Wilson, who campaigned for election on the promise of peace but who, on election, went to war with Germany, thereby extending World War One by two years to achieve a German surrender instead of a negotiated peace and achieving the Russian Revolution as a bonus, is among the great names in American democratic philanthropism." - Exporting Democracy
EXPOSED: US Troops Guarded Terrorist Camp in Iraq
US "requesting" to nix release of details of bird flu research.
Ron Paul and Economic Theories (and other backwards thinking)
"In the alternative blogs we find James and AP discussing Paul's monetary policies and how they are somewhat misguided knowing what we know about who controls the gold, b'man is quite emphatic that we are being set up and aangirfan weighs in with the questions of why Paul would continue to be a Reagan apologist in the aftermath of the carnage since his administration. On the flip side we have Video Rebel , John Friend and WRH, among others, saying that Dr. Paul is the only hope we have to avoid World War III and the bankers new world disorder." - Once you become knowledgeable, you have an obligation to do something about it
The Spooks run ALL terrorists.
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