All the pictures are of Java, Indonesia.
The Apollo Moon Hoax - The Audio Delay Problem: Earth-Moon Delay: Wrong?
The Cloud Will Kill The Free Internet
Libyan Liberation Frontline News [26.12.2011.]
"The U.S. can still stir up lots of trouble in Baghdad by siding with and financing this or that political faction, religious community or ethnic group — a practice at which it has become adept. It has the entire country under intense air, sea and land surveillance, with spies and informants in every branch of government, political party and the military. Key telephones are tapped and computers are hacked. The entire region is encircled with U.S. military might." - Iraq "After" the War: What is Iraq's Future? What are America's Intentions?
Gruss Vom Krampus
"Most Of Us Don't Have Very Many Blessings To Count!"
Who Killed the Soviet Union?
Who controls the Arctic, controls vast resources
The Economic Optimist: One American Still As Good As Ten Chinese
How far is heaven, part 3
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