Putin is more popular than Obama.
Pre-elections polls gave Putin's United Russia 50% or more of the vote.
In the December 2011 election, the real result was 49.3%.
"If anything, United Russia rigged the elections against itself!" (The Argument For Compulsory Voting In Russia)
Russian children by misha maslennikov
Anatoly Karlin has written (
During Putin’s Presidency, poverty rates more than halved and wages nearly tripled, fueling an on-going consumption boom shared across all regions and social groups.
The birth rate has increased, the death rate has fallen and mortality from murder, suicide and alcohol poisoning has plummeted.
The Russian 'liberals' get low single-digit approval ratings from the Russian population.
Russian by dyorr
Unlike some superpowers, the Russia Federation has yet to invade another country unprovoked. Most of its neighbors view Russia favorably and a plurality of Ukrainians would be happy to join it.
When they had de facto independence, the Chechens created a criminalized, Wahhabi state, practiced ethnic cleansing against local Russians and launched armed raids against border regions.
Russia leads the world in literacy, level of tertiary attainment and the quality of its mathematicians and programmers. It possesses a world-class literary, musical and artistic heritage.
Russia has seen healthy manufacturing expansion.
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