Alex Jones

Anonymous commented as follows on a previous post:

Who are the individuals who DO scheme for world power?

I have stated here before there is a Globalist/Zionist cabal seeking ultimate power, but I've also stated there is more to it than that.

Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express is an apt analogy, with many hands (factions) on the dagger handle.

 In fact, I'm left wondering if that book and Christie's M or N? suggest she knew that (one) there are more than one faction who see world government as their ticket to permanent power and (two) these factions are based on a vertical, rigid hierachy.

Whether it's Masonry or Nazism or Zionism rigid hierarchy is the key, along with a secret agenda at the top, not known to those below them in the hierarchy.

Each "great power" country has had a faction, at one time or another, bent on world hegemony. Certainly, the one group coming closest to this ultimate power were the international bankers/Zionists with their takeover of Russia and the establishment of Israel. 

In fact, they haven't given up this pursuit in my opinion. There is a problem for these power mongers, however.

If you want absolute power, it eventually comes down to one man or one faction, but there are many men and several factions vying for the ultimate absolute power.

So, you are bound to have in-fighting among the men and factions, even if they have similar goals -- or the same goal.

 Divide and rule is a tactic, in as such, it's neutral (the tactic is not morally wrong, in of itself).

Yes, divide and rule has primarily been used by the worst (those conscious of an objective) to control the rest, but it can be reversed to unite the rest and divide the worst.

Divide the worst on natural endemic fault-lines, which exist because their ultimate objective of absolute power, in as such, will always have a struggle for power among equals.

The quest for absolute power generally comes down to (boils down to) one man.

 That may be humanity's best tactic to employ in order to avoid an authoritarian future which enslaves most of humanity to an endless servitude to a rigid hierarchy that hides its ultimate agenda to control Man forever into perpetuity.

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