Operation Northwoods was an actual Pentagon plan to carry out acts of terrorism in America. Conspiracy Theories That Really Happened - Business Intelligence.
People don't like to think of themselves as slaves, living under a tyranical government.
Serfdom existed in the Middle Ages.
Some would argue that nothing much has changed.
So, why do people put up with slavery and tyranny?
Operation Mockingbird is an actual CIA plan to control the media worldwide. Conspiracy Theories That Really Happened - Business Intelligence.
The article, by Brandon Smith, entitled 'Understanding the Slave Mentality', on 2 April 2012, at Alt-Market.com, makes the following points:
1. In the initial stages of nearly every recorded tyranny, the masses deny reality.
2. It is as if they truly cannot see ... the boot on their face.
3. There is a point at which tyranny becomes so blatant that the skeptics have to acknowledge its existence, but after doing so, they choose to rationalize it as necessary.
Nazis in New York 1938.
5. The psychologist Carl Jung wrote in his book ‘The Undiscovered Self’ that the cruel sociopathy seen in the populations of Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia is actually latent in many of us.
American Nazis
What makes a slave do what he does?
(Adapted from: 'Understanding the Slave Mentality', on 2 April 2012, at Alt-Market.com)
Here are just a handful of explanations to consider:
A. The True Slave:
Some people are content to be slaves to the TV, or the company or the military.
The true slaves enjoy their subservience. The true slave is not able to imagine living any other life.
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B. The Facts Lose Value:
Some people read about the massacre in a supermarket in Belgium, or the bombing of Bologna railway station, or the disappearance of young girls in Belgium, or lies about weapons of mass destruction.
But these events have little to do with everyday life in one's home town and are quickly forgotten.
The worst flaw of the slave is not necessarily his ability to overlook the truth, but his ability to see it, comprehend it, and then shrug it off anyway because it is contrary to his mission to fulfill his private delusions. Lies make his universe turn, and facts are a tool to be used or cast aside at his leisure.
The CIA's Operation Gladio involved the CIA and NATO carrying out acts of terrorism in Europe
C. The Obsession With The Law:
Slaves are happy with fake democracy, so long as it looks legal and well presented.
Oligarchs understand that the law provides the slave with a means to rationalize his participation in the crimes of the state.
D. The Need To Be Accepted:
Slaves are frightened to say that 9 11 was an inside-job. They don't want to lose their friends
As long as the slave feels accepted by the group, he cares not what the machine does to others.
E. The Need For Control:
Slaves often enjoy being part of a bossy regime.
The average slave loves tyranny because it affords him a perceived seat at the table of power. The slave takes the easy route by joining with bureaucracy and living vicariously through its conquests.
F. The Need For Structure:
Slaves believe what they are told by the TV news reader.
A slave will hold at face value the word of nearly anyone in a position of petty authority. When confronted with those who rebel, the slave sneers in disgust. Independent rebellion is abhorrent to him, because the system provides him with his very identity.
G. The Need For Vindication:
Slaves often see things in black and white.
Slaves want a world without contradiction. They mix with people who agree with them.
Sometimes the slaves revolt!
And being stupid slaves, they join the CIA's PEOPLE POWER movements.
And end up being enslaved by new assets of the CIA.
The Arab Spring was a CIA operation.
Conspiracies do happen.
Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True.
Here's a few of them:
1. The Mafia:
J. Edgar Hoover denied the existence of organized crime at a time when the elite were in bed with the mafia..
MK Ultra is the CIA code name for the operation declassified in the 1970s and mentioned by the Church Committee.
Vast numbers of people, including orphans from children's homes, have been tortured, as part of Nazi-style brainwashing.
The idea is to produce sex slaves and assassins.
3. Counter Intelligence Programs Against Activists: COINTELPRO.
The government spooks infiltrate organisations which are a threat to the elite.
4. Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, is a plan by the United States government to test their ability to detain large numbers of American citizens in case of civil unrest or national emergency.
"Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North and the Federal Emergency Management Agency ... had drafted a contingency plan providing for the suspension of the Constitution, the imposition of martial law, and the appointment of military commanders to head state and local governments and to detain dissidents ... in the event of a national crisis."
5. The Iran-Contra Affair:
This involved the US government selling weapons to their friend the Ayatollah in Iran.
During Iran Contra, drug smuggling by the CIA was uncovered.
6. The BCCI Scandal:
The Bank of Credit and Commerce International was used by the CIA and various of its assets who included dictators, terrorists and criminals.
7. CIA Drug Running in LA:
Pulitzer Prize Award winning journalist Gary Webb exposed this alongside LAPD Narcotics Officer turned whislteblower and author Michael Ruppert, CIA Contract Pilot Terry Reed, and many others.
8. Gulf of Tonkin
This was a false flag incident.
9. The Business Plot:
In 1933, group of wealthy businessmen that allegedly included the heads of Chase Bank, GM, Goodyear, Standard Oil, the DuPont family and Senator Prescott Bush tried to recruit Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler to lead a military coup against President FDR and install a fascist dictatorship in the United States.
Smedley spilled the beans to a congressional committee in 1934.
Many of the people who had allegedly backed the Business Plot also maintained financial ties with Nazi Germany up through America's entry into World War II.
10. Operation Paperclip:
Operation Paperclip was the code name for the 1945 Office of Strategic Services, Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency recruitment of Nazi scientists.
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