Toulouse shooting - wag the dog, Jewish victimhood, and fraudulent War on Terror

"Any genuinely democratic European government would, as all opinion surveys confirm, end mass immigration without delay, thereby achieving an eventual reversal of current trends in both wages and urban living costs. The need for additional infrastructure -- schools, hospitals, universities, roads, etc. would also collapse, allowing great reductions in taxation."

How the West destroys its own

Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother

"The cook, an ‘attractive and pleasant Frenchwoman’ called Marguerite Rodiere, gave birth to the future Queen Elizabeth because her own mother Cecilia, who already had eight children, was unable to have any more."

Queen Mother: book's claim that Queen Elizabeth's mother was a French cook e

Boy from the Flowered Men tribe with typical dagger
Boy from the Flowered Men tribe. By World_Discoverer

"Amelia knew there was something different about her 6-year-old son. For one thing, he’d developed an obsession with Blaine, one of the gay characters from the hit TV show Glee. And then there was his statement that the gay couple on the show were 'just like me' because 'They don’t like kissing girls. They just kiss boys.'"

Coming Out at 7 Years Old: How Should Parents Respond? Care2

Gay Pride 2005 PARIS (431)
Gay pride by picstout

Saudi Arabia: House of Saud, Falling House of Cards


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