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The purpose of an Empire is to steal money from the ordinary people and give it to the elite.
In his book, The Rule of Empires, Timothy H. Parsons explained that Empires are not there to civilise, they are there to extract wealth.
If we look at the American Empire we can see that the people who have benefited from the wars in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq are the arms dealers and drugs dealers, rather than the ordinary people.
Empires mean slavery.
On 27 March 2012, at Global Research, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts explains how the American Empire is 'extractive'.
(Empires Then and Now)
"After eight years of war and attempted occupation of Iraq, all Washington has for its efforts is several trillion dollars of additional debt and no Iraqi oil.
"After ten years of trillion dollar struggle against the Taliban in Afghanistan, Washington has nothing to show for it except possibly some part of the drug trade that can be used to fund covert CIA operations.
"America's wars are very expensive.
"Bush and Obama have doubled the national debt, and the American people have no benefits from it...
Empires are for the 1%
"Washington's empire extracts resources from the American people for the benefit of the few powerful interest groups that rule America...
"In the New Empire success at war no longer matters.
"The extraction takes place by being at war.
"Huge sums of American taxpayers' money have flowed into the American armaments industries and huge amounts of power into Homeland Security.
"The American empire works by stripping Americans of wealth and liberty...
"This is why the wars cannot end, or if one does end another starts...
"Just like the bombed and murdered Muslims, the American people are victims of the American empire."
John Buchan was once the head of Britain's secret service.
Buchan was also a writer.
In The Thirty Nine Steps, published in 1915, he considered the idea that there are secret Jewish puppet-masters who manipulate people into starting wars.
The novel formed the basis for a number of film adaptations, notably Alfred Hitchcock's 1935 adaptation The 39 Steps, a 1959 colour remake, a 1978 version, and a 2008 version for British television.
The film versions leave out the most interesting bit from the book.
So here it is (The 39 Steps - Google Books Result):
The aim of the whole conspiracy was to get Russia and Germany at loggerheads.
When I asked Why, he said that ... everything would be in the melting-pot, and they looked to see a new world emerge.
The capitalists would rake in the shekels, and make fortunes by buying up wreckage.
Capital, he said, had no conscience and no fatherland.
Besides, the Jew was behind it, and the Jew hated Russia worse than hell...
The Jew is everywhere, but you have to go far down the backstairs to find him.
Take any big Teutonic business concern.
If you have dealings with it the first man you meet is Prince von und zu Something, an elegant young man who talks Eton-and-Harrow English.
But he cuts no ice.
If your business is big, you get behind him and find a prognathous Westphalian with a retreating brow and the manners of a hog.
He is the German business man that gives your English papers the shakes.
But if you're on the biggest kind of job and are bound to get to the real boss, ten to one you are brought up against a little white-faced Jew in a bath-chair with an eye like a rattle-snake.
Yes, sir, he is the man who is ruling the world just now, and he has his knife in the Empire of the Tsar, because his aunt was outraged and his father flogged in some one-horse location on the Volga.'
John Buchan,
Thirty Nine Steps
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