Evie, the male nanny.
Barack Obama's nanny was a gay man.
(Barack Obama's transgender nanny in Jakarta)
In the late 1960s, Barack's mother appointed Evie, an openly gay Indonesian male, as Barack's nanny.
Evie is a gay transgender male, and at one time earned money as a sex worker.
'Evie' looked after Barack Obama, also known as Barry Soetoro, when he lived in Jakarta.
Evie was openly gay.
During her time off, she dressed in full drag.
Barack's mum
Barack's mother, Ann Dunham, lived in Jakarta with her second husband Lolo Soetoro.
Ann Dunham worked for organisations reported to be fronts for the CIA.
Lolo Soetoro was an Indonesian military officer.
Both the CIA and the Indonesian military are reported to have been involved in the kidnapping and brainwashing of children.
The Indonesian military kidnapped and adopted children
During the day, Evie played with Barack.
Some evenings, Evie would be dressed in drag when she took time off.
In the 1970s, Evie was a transgender sex worker.
Indonesia is said to have at least 7 million 'waria' - transgender people.
Around 40% of sex workers who are 'waria' are said to have AIDS.
One of President Suharto's cabinet ministers was openly gay; Surabaya, in Indonesia, has more sex workers than Bangkok.
Amanda Simpson is openly transgender.
Obama named Amanda Simpson as a senior technical adviser in the Commerce Department in 2010.
Website for this image
'Miss Dunham is making arrangements with the Salvation Army to give the baby away.'
Father spoke of having Obama adopted - The Boston Globe / Father Discussed Adoption for Obama, Records Show
18-year-old Ann Dunham was five months pregnant.
In 1961, Obama senior, 24, told immigration officials the plan was to give the baby away to the Salvation Army.
A memo written by the immigration authorities states that the baby's parents "do not live together and Miss Dunham is making arrangements with the Salvation Army to give the baby away...
"(Obama senior) has been running around with several girls..."
Reportedly the CIA's MK ULTRA operation likes to use unwanted children.
Reportedly Ann Dunham worked for various CIA-front organisations.
"A series of formerly Confidential CIA memoranda, dated May 15, 1972, points to the involvement of both the Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), the CIA, and the University of Hawaii in the CIA’s behavioral science program." (Wayne Madsen: Obama's CIA Connections,y)
"In 1953... Madelyn Dunham along with Ann Stanley Dunham were stationed in Beirut with Dr. Thetford, most likely than not as deep cover CIA agents. Dr. Thetford’s primary research from 1950-1953 had centered on the personality development and fantasy projections of children. Most likely than not, they had been clandestinely MK ULTRA briefed." Stanley Ann Dunham -Assassins
The Associated Press, 4 November 2009, reported that President Barack Obama's half brother, Mark, has written a semi-autobiographical novel.
The story describes an abusive father, based on Obama senior.
Mark wrote: "My father beat my mother and my father beat me..." said Ndesandjo, whose mother, Ruth Nidesand, was Barack Obama Senior's third wife.
Like his novel's main character, Ndesandjo had an American mother who is Jewish.
(Obama's half-brother: Our father beat me - perfect MK Ultra profile)
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