Does human trafficking exist?
Reportedly (Libya S.O.S.: Libya rebels: Human Trafficing mafia in Benghazi):
Benghazi, in Libya, is the home of a mafia which makes billions of dollars from human trafficking.
Gaddafi cracked down hard on this mafia.
The Benghazi mafia took the lead in financing and supporting the NATO led rebellion against Gaddafi.
The new Libya
The human trafficking mafia is now back in business in Benghazi .
(NATO helped the Albanian mafia in Kosovo who ran an international business selling body parts from their Serb prisoners)
Children have been kidnapped from orphanages in Libya.
In March 2012, we learn that Libya is now full of concentration camps.
"One medic said he had seen nine prisoners whose genitalia had been cut off, and others given electric shocks." (Libya's instability only deepens)
Churches have been attacked. (This is Libya: No Freedom, No Democracy, No Justice)
Some months ago, NATO's allies in Libya ransacked the historic church of St. George in Tripoli.
Christian graves in Libya
NATO's allies have also been busy desecrating Christian graves. (British war graves in Libya desecrated by Islamist militants)
Even mosques have been attacked.
"A group of more than 200 heavily armed gunmen... attacked a mosque in the northeastern Al-Masri district of the Libyan capital, Tripoli, ransacked the tombs of two imams, and made off with their relics.
Copies of the Koran were burnt.
"A teacher at the adjoining Koranic school, told AFP on condition of anonymity, that the gunmen wore beards and were in military uniform...
"This is the third such incident in just over a week. A few days ago a Muslim cemetery in the western district of Gargaresh and another close to the Tripoli airport were also ransacked..." (This is Libya: No Freedom, No Democracy, No Justice)
Desecration of Moslem graves in Libya by NATO's allies
In the middle of a square in Benghazi, NATO's allies burnt a man, cut off his head, arms and legs, ripped out his heart, while cheering... (This is Libya: No Freedom, No Democracy, No Justice)
A video has appeared on the Internet showing NATO's allies torturing a group of black Africans.
People with their hands bound are shown being locked in a zoo-like cage and allegedly forced to eat the old Libyan flag.
“Eat the flag, you dog. Patience you dog, patience. God is Great,” screams a voice off-camera in the video uploaded to YouTube.
NATO wants to do to Syria what it has done to Libya.
human trafficking,
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