The UK government is making sure that the millionaires in London and the South East continue to be 'heavily subsidised, tax cossetted and featherbedded'.
The UK government has recently 'blocked the incomes of the old to allow millionaires an extra £40,000 a year.'
In the 1990s, Scottish journalist George Rosie made a TV documentary, Scotching The Myth, showing that the UK Government deliberately 'concentrates its agencies, quangos and research institutions as close to London as possible'.
All this is explained by Neil Ascherson, on 25 March 2012, in 'An Alien Nation' in the Herald Scotland
According to Ascherson:
1. The government aims to use the supposed economic 'crisis' to:
(A) give less money to the public sector (eg. less for helping the handicapped and sick)
(B) protect the millionaires.
2. The aim is to let inequality increase.
3. Poverty and helplessness can 'teach people their place'.
4. Public-sector wage levels are in future to be negotiated locally.
In other words, a nurse in the North of England can be paid less than a nurse in the South East.
(West Germany wrote into its constitution the duty of rich areas of Germany to help poorer areas.)
Margaret Thatcher scrapped regional policy.
Money and talent headed for London.
David Cameron's Conservative Party is a party of sleaze.
1. Peter Cruddas recently became the treasurer of the David Cameron's Conservative Party.
He has been secretly filmed claiming that "things will open up" for anybody willing to donate £250,000 a year.
Speaking to undercover reporters who were posing as wealth fund executives, he claimed: "It will be awesome for your business." (PM faces demands for donation probe)
2. The Conservatives have hit charities for £1.4billion
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