Bill Clinton, a lobbyist for Noble Energy.
The Eastern Mediterranean has a huge amount of oil and gas.
The Eastern Mediterranean means Libya, Egypt, Syria, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Cyprus, Turkey and Greece.
The conflicts in those countries are partly linked to oil.
On 5 March 2012, at Global Research, F. William Engdahl wrote about the new Mediterranean oil and gas bonanza
According to Engdahl:
1. Greece may have a very large amount of oil and gas.
According to Greek analyst, Aristotle Vassilakis, "surveys already done that have measured the amount of natural gas estimate it to reach some nine trillion dollars."
This would transform the finances of Greece.
Tulane University oil expert David Hynes estimates that the oil and gas already discovered could bring Greece more than €302 billion over 25 years.
2. But, Greece has been forced to sell off ports and Greek state oil companies, to reduce government debt.
These sales could bring Greece perhaps €50 billion.
Foreigners may end up owning most of the Greek state-owned natural gas company, DEPA.
3. The Obama regime wants US oil companies to get the bulk of the oil and gas in the waters off Greece and Turkey, with Turkey and Greece sharing what's left.
According to a report from Greek political analyst Aristotle Vassilakis, the USA proposes that Greece get 20% of revenues, Turkey 20% and the Noble Energy Company of Houston Texas, the company already drilling in Israeli and Greek waters, would get 60%.
Bill Clinton is a Washington lobbyist for Noble Energy.
4. Noble Energy has discovered huge amounts of gas near Cyprus.
Declassified US government documents suggest that US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger helped Turkey invade Cyprus in 1974, and set up Turkish-Northern-Cyprus.
(The USA is still close to Turkey.)
Greek-Southern-Cyprus is supposedly a friend of Russia, and Israel.
Israel is planning to build a gas pipeline from the Israeli gas fields across Cyprus waters onto Greece, from where it would be sold to the EU.
(F. William Engdahl is the author of A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order)
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