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Former spy Annie Machon describes how the security services represent certain families.
She describes how the spooks carry out false flag operations.
The people who founded the European Union have fascist origins.
Fascists are not always easy to spot.
Support for fascism in the 1930s came from Liberals like Lloyd George, Conservatives like Samuel Hoare and Socialists like Ramsay Macdonald and Arnold Toynbee. (Why the European Union is fundamentally fascist)
"Hitler joined the German Labour Party, and just as Tony Blair rid Britain in the 1990’s of its nationalisation policies, so did Hitler in pre war Germany.
"Whereas the much vilified Le Pen joined the Resistance against Fascism, former French President François Mitterand, later the leader of the French Socialist Party, was a hero of the Fascist Vichy regime.
"The wartime leader of British Fascism, Oswald Mosley was a Labour minister and became the leader of the British Union of Fascists.
"His wife Lady Diana Mosley recently declared in a BBC interview her opposition to Le Pen and her support for the European Union!" (Why the European Union is fundamentally fascist)
The top families often form alliances.
Semites and anti-semites sometimes share a common right-wing racist ideology. (FACTIONS WITHIN THE ELITE)
In the early 1930s, the Zionists supported Hitler. (The Zionists in bed with the Nazis)
Lenni Brenner related how Kurt Tuchler, a member of the German Zionist Federation Executive, "persuaded Baron Leopold Itz Edler von Mildenstein of the SS to write a pro-Zionist piece for the Nazi press.
"Goebbels had a medal struck: on one side the swastika, on the other the Zionist star." Website
Google demonstrates that democracy is being replaced by fascism.
Google changes enable 'per country' blog takedowns
Google joins Twitter in censorship storm: Site will now block blog posts.
Annie Machon,
European Union,
False Flag,
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