Turkey's Erdogan IS JEWISH?
1. Most of the top Islamists secretly work for Israel and its allies, it seems.
Turkey's Erdogan, the Saudi leadership, and the leaders of the Qatar, Libya and Tunisia all follow the Israeli-US-NATO line and criticise Assad of Syria.
This is in spite of the fact that the Arab league monitors found that the slaughter in Syria is the work of foreign-backed subversives
Pepe Escobar exposes: the agenda in Syria:
"The report was leaked. (Here it is, in full.)
"The report is adamant.
"There was no organized, lethal repression by the Syrian government against peaceful protesters.
"Instead, the report points to shady armed gangs as responsible for hundreds of deaths among Syrian civilians, and over one thousand among the Syrian army, using lethal tactics such as bombing of civilian buses, bombing of trains carrying diesel oil, bombing of police buses and bombing of bridges and pipelines..."
The Syrian government is fighting heavily armed foreign mercenaries.
The report largely confirms these suspicions.
2. The Israeli-US-NATO Arab Spring has attempted to:
(A) move countries such as Libya firmly into the Israeli-US-NATO camp.
Libya now appears to be the main base for the CIA's al-Qaeda.
(B) weaken countries such as Egypt economically.
The Arab Spring could not have succeeded without there being traitors within the Arab elite.
The Arab spring economies are in deep trouble according to The Economist
Tunisia did have fast GDP growth.
Under Ben Ali, there were some clever entrepreneurs.
Now the Tunisian government says the economy has contracted by 1.8%.
Egypt has seen a decline from 5% to 1%.
Libya’s economy is thought to have contracted by more than 50%.
In Tunisia many hotels remain closed.
A Tunisian analyst reckons 120 foreign firms have shut up shop, cutting 40,000 jobs.
Yazaki, a Japanese cable manufacturer, recently pulled out of a poor rural region. (The Economist)
Who are they really working for?
3. What have the Israelis and their allies done to the 'Arab Spring' countries?
Libya is now largely lawless. (The Economist)
In Egypt the police force has withdrawn from many districts, leaving control to local youths.
"George Bahna, who runs an engineering-services company, says he abandoned a large project near the city of Suez when locals raided his warehouse and fought gun battles over control of his property." (The Economist)
Tunisia's government "has recorded a total of 330 sit-ins and other protests in the first three weeks of this year over a lack of government services." (The Economist)
There are a huge numbers of strikes.
"Businessmen complain of red tape becoming 'even redder'". (The Economist)
Egypt's foreign-currency reserves have dropped from $36 billion to $10 billion in the past year.
4. Nothing is quite what it seems in the Arab world. Some might say that very few of the Islamists can be trusted.
The Gaza Flotilla was a NATO-MOSSAD false flag operation.
"The agent who co-ordinated the NATO / Mossad Operation was Abdelhakim Belhadj, who is now in charge of NATO´s training of the so called 'Free Syrian Army'.
"Further more, the Palestinian Intelligence Source stated, that 'certain high ranking members of Hamas had been involved in planning the operation', and that Hamas or at least a strong fraction of Hamas had entered into agreements with Turkey and NATO, to establish a 'Palestinian Spring' as soon as the campaign against the government of Syria had succeeded..."
GLADIO, Bin Laden to Erdogan, Belhadj and Hamas: Mossad's and NATO's Dirty Underwear 2012.
"It is thought that the Gaza flotilla massacre was a huge deception orchestrated by Turkey and Israel in order to facilitate the elimination of certain Turkish figures who had been opposed to Erdogan’s intended war on Syria..."
"In addition to al-Harati, NATO darling Abdelhakim Belhaj himself was also on board the Mavi Marmara on that fateful night."
Was the Gaza Flotilla Massacre a Turkish-Israeli False Flag and Precursor to the War on Syria?
5. What should the Arab World do?
Former World Bank vice president Shahid Javed Burki has said that the Arab world should begin to delink from the West and connect with other parts of the world for their economies to grow. (Asian nations 'key to Arab economies)
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