Javanese Girl
The media is lying about Syria.
High-Tech Trickery in Homs? Al Akhbar English
India by Eric.Parker
The 'Holocaust' is complex.
Nobody alerts us to Paul Rassinier and the Holocaust?
India by Eric.Parker
Special OPS Deployed Worldwide
India by bag_lady (taking a break in Goa)
British school kids - brought up by foreign au pair girls...
They wear nappies, drink cola and don't know how to open a book.
By carf
Occult ritual abuse and pedophilia
Syria by spdl_n1
CIA Mind Control Techniques
Syria by owilybug
Syria's Assad is the good guy, the protector of Syria's Christians; and his opponents are the CIA-al-Qaeda.
"For eleven months, the Western powers and the Gulf States have led a campaign to destabilize Syria.
"Several thousand mercenaries infiltrated the country.
"Recruited by agencies in Saudi Arabia and Qatar within the Sunni extremist community, they came to overthrow the 'usurper Alawite' Bashar al-Assad and impose a Wahhabi-inspired dictatorship...
"Abdel Hakim Belhaj (number 2 of Al Qaeda and current military governor of Tripoli, Libya) came personally to install his men in northern Syria, and Ayman Al-Zawahiri (current leader of al Qaeda since the official death of Osama bin Laden) has called for a jihad against Syria...
"Those abducted, mutilated and murdered by the Wahhabi Legion are transformed by the press into victims of the tyrant..."
“Endgame in the Middle East”, by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, 14 February 2012,
Syria by Alexbip
So, who are these mad Moslems that work for the CIA, Mossad and MI6?
The Salafis, the Wahhabis, the Moslem Brotherhood and al Qaeda all work for the same people who did Iran-Contra.
Book: Terrorism & the Illuminati by David Livingston.
Online version of this book.
The following are linked, according to author David Livingston, who is Jamaican-Canadian:
The birth of the Kabbalah, in Babylon in the 6th century BC.
The conspiracy to corrupt Christianity.
The Assassins of Egypt.
Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
The Jewish false-messiah, Shebbetae Zevi, and Egyptian Rite Freemasonry.
The Occult Revival of the late nineteenth century.
Albert Pike
Jamal ud Din al Afghani, founder of the Salafi movement.
Helena Blavatsky, godmother of the New Age movement, the "bibles" of Freemasonry.
Ordo Templi Orientis and Aleister Crowley.
The Nazis and the Thule Gesselschaft.
Allen Dulles.
The Muslim Brotherhood
Henry Kissinger and the Oil Crisis of 1973.
British agent Ayatollah Khomeini.
The War on Terror and Samuel Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations".
East Indies
According to Google, hardly anyone has read the following:
BUT, yesterday, lots of people read the following:
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