The Gaza Flotilla was a Turkish-Israeli false flag operation, according to reports - ISLAMISTS WORKING FOR ISRAEL
The Gaza Flotilla false flag operation - "The agent who co-ordinated the NATO / Mossad Operation was Abdelhakim Belhadj, who is now in charge of NATO´s training of the so called 'Free Syrian Army'.
"Further more, the Palestinian Intelligence Source stated, that 'certain high ranking members of Hamas had been involved in planning the operation', and that Hamas or at least a strong fraction of Hamas had entered into agreements with Turkey and NATO, to establish a 'Palestinian Spring' as soon as the campaign against the government of Syria had succeeded..."
GLADIO, Bin Laden to Erdogan, Belhadj and Hamas: Mossad's and NATO's Dirty Underwear 2012.
Haiku of nobody
My Dad, A.J.
"It is thought that the Gaza flotilla massacre was a huge deception orchestrated by Turkey and Israel in order to facilitate the elimination of certain Turkish figures who had been opposed to Erdogan’s intended war on Syria..."
"In addition to al-Harati, NATO darling Abdelhakim Belhaj himself was also on board the Mavi Marmara on that fateful night."
Was the Gaza Flotilla Massacre a Turkish-Israeli False Flag and Precursor to the War on Syria?
"He was forced to resign from his New York university; he was studying for his master’s degree in pastoral theology when he refused to wear the sponsored sports gear from Nike because of their operation of sweat shops, i.e. cheap labour working onerous hours." Jim Keady – A Crusader
West Java
VIDEO: Internet Censorship in America
The United Nations Children's Fund's Hidden Hand
You have to have Jews
West Java
WHY THIS VIDEO HAS 955 VIEWS? Libya, Zliten 8/9 August 2011.
How to use kids in propaganda
‘Since the Mossad had all the security arrangements in hand, it would not be a problem bringing the killers as close as they wanted to President Bush and then staging his assassination. In the ensuing confusion, the Mossad people would kill the ‘perpetrators,’ scoring yet another victory for the Mossad. With the assassins dead, it would be difficult to discover where the ‘security breach’ had been, except that several countries involved in the conference, such as Syria, were regarded as countries that assisted terrorists.’ - Nature of the Beast
Egypt Defies US by Setting Trial for 19 Americans on Criminal Charges
What now?
Boeing recalls Dreamliner.
"A retired church worker has revealed how John F Kennedy took her virginity during a debauched 18-month affair while she was a teenage White House intern...
"He made her inhale a sex drug during a party at Bing Crosby's ranch and coerced her to perform a sex act on an aide while he looked on."
JFK took the virginity of White House intern, 19, leading ... - Daily Mail
Inside my teen affair with JFK
JFK Teen Lover Reveals Torrid Details In New Tell-All Book
Mimi - MK ULTRA victim?
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