King Don Juan of Spain, Princess Diana, the Queen of Spain.

Diana's lovers are alleged to have included James Gilbey (Squidgygate Tapes), James Hewitt, Will Carling, Oliver Hoare, Hasnat Khan, police bodyguard Barry Mannake, David Waterhouse, Bryan Adams, and King Juan Carlos of Spain

A new book, The Solitude of the Queen, by Pilar Eyre, repeats allegations made in 2004 by Lady Colin Campbell that Lady Diana had an affair with King Juan Carlos of Spain in August 1986 and in April 1987.

Prince William, born June 1982

Prince William

Pilar Eyre has written six volumes about the Spanish royal family.

According to Eyre, Juan Carlos is said to have slept with more than 1,500 women.

According to Eyre, Greek-born Queen Sofia has not slept with Juan Carlos for 35 years.

Diana and Prince Charles holidayed in Majorca with the Spanish royal family several times during the Eighties.

Eyre says Diana told her bodyguard Ken Wharfe that Juan Carlos fancied her.

Royal biographer, Lady Colin Campbell, says Diana and the king had an affair while on a cruise in August 1986, and again the following summer.

According to Eyre, rumours of the affair increased when photos of Diana in a state of undress were sent to the media.

They were taken off the market when someone in Spain paid $45,000 (£29,000) for them.

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The original Don Juan (Don Juan, Count of Villamediana.) was murdered in Madrid in 1622.

One theory maintains that the 'real Don Juan' was gay. (The History of Sex (But Not As We Know It): Istanbul)

Don Juan was killed while riding in his coach with a teenager.

After Don Juan's death, the Inquisition reportedly found evidence linking Don Juan's household to a ring of homosexuals.

Don Juan and the fascist dictator Franco.

King Juan Carlos is 'King of Jerusalem' (NWO )?

In Texe Marrs' book, Circle of Intrigue, it is reported that Juan Carlos lays claim to the title, King Of Jerusalem.

According to Marrs, "Juan Carlos has close ties with Jewish Zionist interests.

"King Juan Carlos is not only a member of the Illuminati's Inner Circle, he is also a member of Opus Dei, a powerful and secretive Roman Catholic Order."

Fascist youth in Spain.

Alex Constantine writes of the Spanish King's links in his book, Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.

He claims the King Juan Carlos is sympathetic to the paedophilic cult, the Children Of God.

"'(One) of the cult's patrons is King Juan Carlos of Spain, whose sexual appetite is legendary,' Constantine says."

The Berg Family 1961.

In the 1970s, Muammar Gaddafi funded and supported the American religious cult The Children of God.

The Children of God, founded by DAVID BERG, claims that sex is a good recruitment and conversion tool.

According to Stephen Kent, a University of Alberta sociologist who has studied the group:

"Thanks to The Children of God's free love tendencies, at least one child was born from a union between a woman in the group and a high-ranking official in Gadhafi's regime, Kent said."

(Why Moammar Gadhafi Was So Strange Moammar Gadhafi Death)

The Children of God has been linked to the CIA's MK ULTRA brainwashing programme and to child sexual abuse. (Julian Assange, Agent Provocateur « Stool & Dunce Cap)

Faith Berg Fischer the youngest of David Berg’s four children.

Faith Berg "helped oversee teen re-education and discipline at The Family's Heavenly City School Victor Program in Japan, using such techniques as exorcisms, hard labour and strong corporal punishment."

Faith was her father's envoy to Muammar Gaddafi. (Faith Berg - XFamily - Children of God)

Karen Zerby, who married Berg.

Karen Zerby has claimed that she was among Jesus's favourite lovers in heaven before she came to earth.

Reportedly, Karen's son Ricky Rodriguez was sexually abused by Zerby and her group and he later killed himself.

Gaddafi with Berg and Berg's daughter Faith in 1973.

According to Berg, Gaddafi is either the Anti-Christ or the prophet who prepares the way for him and announces his coming.

In the early 1970s, 'Berg claimed he received prophecies indicating that Gaddafi would fill one of those roles described in the book of Revelation.' (Chain The Dogma: Gaddafi, The Family International and the Antichrist)

David Berg
(1919 - 1994) was born in California.

Reportedly, "his maternal forefathers were German Jews."

Like his father, Berg became a minister in the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

Berg was eventually expelled from the organization for alleged sexual misconduct with a church employee.

Berg became the founder and leader of the Children of God, now called The Family International.

A Berg booklet.

Berg's granddaughter, Merry Berg, testified that Berg sexually molested her when she was a young teenager. (David Berg - Wikipedia)

Another of Berg's granddaughters, Joyanne Treadwell Berg, spoke on American television about being sexually abused by David Berg.

Berg's adopted son, Ricky Rodriguez, wrote an article on the Web site in which he describes Berg's deviant sexual activity involving a number of women and children.

In the 1970s and 1980s sexually suggestive photographic depictions of Rodriguez (aka "Davidito") with adult caretakers were spread throughout the group by Berg and Zerby in a child rearing handbook known as "The Story of Davidito".

Ricky Rodriguez and David Berg

In January 2005, Ricky Rodriguez murdered one of the female caretakers (also shown in the handbook) before taking his own life several hours later.

Davida Kelley, the daughter of Rodriguez's nanny, Sarah Kelley, accused Berg of molesting her in a June 2005 Rolling Stone article. In the same article, a woman identified as Armendria alleged that David Berg sexually abused her when she was thirteen years old.

"Berg viewed the trend towards a New World Order as setting the stage for the rise of the Antichrist."

According to The X Spot: February 2011

David Berg managed his kids’ pop band, Teens for Christ, which traveled throughout the US until winding up in California in 1968.

Berg set up his own congregation, which he called the Children of God.

A colleague of Berg’s, televangelist Fred Jordan, offered Berg use of his 400-acre compound, the Texas Soul Clinic.

Berg began to have 'visions' and saw himself as the reincarnation of the Bible's King David.

He dumped his wife, and took up with his young assistant, Karen Zerby.

The Children of God evolved into a cult of free love.

River Phoenix

In 1973, John, Arlyn and River Phoenix left Texas for South America in order to do missionary work for Berg's Children of God.

River Phoenix starting acting at the age of ten. At the age of 15 he starred in Stand by Me.

On Halloween 1993 River Phoenix dropped dead on the sidewalk of a popular Los Angeles nightclub.

River gives some clues in a November 1991 interview with Joe Dulce of Details magazine.

Dulce: Is there anything you did at an early age that you wished you had waited for?

Phoenix: Yes - make love.

Dulce: How old were you?

Phoenix: Four.

Dulce: With whom? Another four-year old?

Phoenix: Kids. But I’ve blocked it out.


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