AIDS patient. Website for this image

Why are so many people dying of TB in Indonesia?

Indonesia has a lot of AIDS, and that leads to TB.

Indonesia's AIDS epidemic could wreck "the big economic, political and social gains it has made in recent years."

(Indonesia's AIDS Crisis - The Diplomat)

Indonesia's government spends very little on health care and its government hospitals have been described as dirty and corrupt.

Indonesia has a thriving trade in sex and drugs, reportedly protected by the police and military.


According to an article entitled: HIV infection in Indonesia - AIDS:

"Indonesia is witnessing one of the most rapidly growing HIV epidemics in Asia."

"Among risk groups, rates have been reported up to 50%.

"Uptake of HIV testing is low, and many patients are only tested when they have advanced HIV infection or AIDS.


"All adult patients at a referral hospital who underwent cerebrospinal fluid examination for suspected meningitis were examined for HIV. (13 November 2009 - HIV infection in Indonesia - AIDS)

"Among 185 patients who mostly presented with subacute meningitis, 60% were male and the median age was 30 years."

"HIV infection was present in 25% of the patients; almost two-thirds were newly confirmed, and all presented with severe immunosuppression (median CD4 cell count 13/μl, range 2-98).

"One-third of HIV-infected patients had cryptococcal meningitis whereas two-thirds suffered from tuberculosis.

"After 1 month, 41% of patients had died."

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